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Data Source Mode Primary Gene IDSecondary Gene ID Signal Threshold
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  • For ATH1 data, this probe set reaches its maximum expression level (expression potential) of 1063.83 in the Seed data source.
  • Some samples exhibit high standard deviations for replicates. You can use standard deviation filtering to mask those with a deviation greater than half their expression value.
Expressologs for gene At4g31760 No Interactors data found Subcellular localisation for gene At4g31760 Expression for gene At4g31760 Annotations for gene At4g31760 Cistome Map Function for gene At4g31760 ePlant for gene At4g31760 Search the ABRC for knockout lines for gene At4g31760 Click to go to TAIR for further information about gene At4g31760 Click to go to Araport for further information about gene At4g31760 Click to activate GeneMANIA to predict other genes/gene products associated with gene At4g31760 Click to go to SeedNet for further information about gene At4g31760
Dev Map
Nat Var GC Light LR Init Abiotic Stress II Biotic Stress II Hormone Regeneration Tissue Specific Root II Seed (max)


  • 253513_at was used as the probe set identifier for your primary gene, At4g31760 (Peroxidase superfamily protein)
  • Find co-expressed genes with Expression Angler
  • Perform electronic Northerns to examine this gene's response under different conditions with Expression Browser
  • See distribution of average expression levels for the probe sets on the ATH1 GeneChip in the samples used for the eFP Browser, to determine if a given gene is a high or low expresser. The small graph that is shown on the eFP output in Compare and Absolute modes indicates the highest level of expression for the primary gene in red, and the highest level of expression of the secondary gene in blue. The grey line indicates the maximum level of expression of the first gene in any data source
  • BAR eFP images are free to use and are released under CC-BY license. Please cite Winter et al. 2007 and the publications in the image.