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Using this tool, you may input a list of AGI ids in order to obtain a graphical display of gene expression of that particular set of genes across all the experiments in The Bio-Analytic Resource database or in projects from the AtGenExpress Consortium. If this program proves useful to your research, please cite Toufighi et al., 2005, Plant J. 43:153-163. Thank you!

  1. Select the dataset which you wish to query.Click here for instructions in a new window
    Each dataset is composed of specific research areas and tissue types.
    Normalization is via the GCOS method with a TGT value of 100, unless noted.

  2. Indicate which filters should be used to restrict the search on samples. Click here for instructions in a new window

  3. Select research area(s) to restrict search or leave blank for all research areas.

    Select tissue types and growth stages to restrict search or leave blank for all types and all stages.
    Tissue Type(s)
       Growth Stage(s) Click here for growth stage window

  4. Specify output options. Click here for instructions in a new window

  5. Raw
    Average of replicate treatments
    Average of replicate treatments relative to average of appropriate control

    Cluster horizontally based on research area

  6. Enter or paste gene AGI IDs in the left and the corresponding protein categories in the right data box. Click here for instructions in a new window

  7. AGI IDs My Protein Categories (Optional)

  8. Submit or clear to restart