Expression Angler

If this program proves useful to your research, please cite Toufighi et al., 2005, Plant J. 43:153-163. Thank you!
This program will calculate the correlation coefficients for expression for all gene expression vectors as compared to the one for the AGI ID or gene name you enter below. A file will be created containing the expression data and the correlation coefficients that meet your cut-off criterion, or specified number of hits. The data sets used by this tool come from the Bio-Analytic Resource, NASCArrays, the AtGenExpress Consortium's Tissue, Abiotic Stress, Pathogen or Hormone compendia, and other compendia compiled by the BAR curators. All contain gene expression data for ~22000 Arabidopsis genes generated using the ATH1 Affymetrix Whole Genome GeneChip.
• Simply enter the AGI ID or gene name that you are interested in into the box below,
• and, if desired, select different Pearson correlation coefficient (r-value) cutoffs.
• Then click Submit and wait about 1 minute.
(enter AGI ID, e.g. At3g27340, or gene alias, e.g. ABI3)
Choose the number of best (or worst) correlated genes you'd like to see or optionally enter a lower and upper r-value. The highest the r-value can be is 1, and that means that two vectors are a perfect match. Zero is no match, and -1 is a perfect anti-correlation, i.e. the expression response is exactly opposite to that of your gene of interest. The default lower r-value cutoff is 0.75, and the default upper r-value cutoff is 1.00. A tighter r-value range will result in smaller output files. |