Overlapping Features
Genome features that overlap coordinates of this Exon
DB identifier | Length | Chromosome Location |
Organism . Name |
AT5G17290:CDS:8 | 263 | Chr5: 5687160-5687422 | Arabidopsis thaliana |
AT5G17280:CDS:1 | 408 | Chr5: 5686355-5686762 | Arabidopsis thaliana |
DB identifier | Length | Chromosome Location |
Organism . Name |
AT5G17280:exon:1 | 597 | Chr5: 5686299-5686895 | Arabidopsis thaliana |
Five Prime UTRs
DB identifier | Length | Chromosome Location |
Organism . Name |
AT5G17280:five_prime_UTR:1 | 56 | Chr5: 5686299-5686354 | Arabidopsis thaliana |
DB identifier | Secondary Identifier | Symbol | Name | Length | Chromosome Location |
Organism . Short Name |
TAIR Computational Description | TAIR Curator Summary | TAIR Short Description | TAIR Aliases |
AT5G17290 | locus:2167195 | APG5 | AUTOPHAGY 5 | 3813 | Chr5: 5686135-5689947 | A. thaliana | autophagy protein Apg5 family;(source:Araport11) | Autophagy protein ATG5. Forms a conjugate with ATG12 with an essential role in plant nutrient recycling. Mutants missing ATG5 display early senescence and are hypersensitive to nitrogen or carbon starvation, accompanied by a more rapid loss of organellar and cytoplasmic proteins. | autophagy protein Apg5 family | APG5, ATATG5, ATG5 |
AT5G17280 | locus:2167180 | AT5G17280 | 597 | Chr5: 5686299-5686895 | A. thaliana | oxidoreductase-like protein, amino-terminal protein;(source:Araport11) | NULL | NULL |
DB identifier | Length | Chromosome Location |
AT5G17290.1 | 2165 | Chr5: 5686135-5689947 |
AT5G17280.1 | 597 | Chr5: 5686299-5686895 |
Three Prime UTRs
DB identifier | Length | Chromosome Location |
Organism . Name |
AT5G17290:three_prime_UTR:1 | 1025 | Chr5: 5686135-5687159 | Arabidopsis thaliana |
AT5G17280:three_prime_UTR:1 | 133 | Chr5: 5686763-5686895 | Arabidopsis thaliana |