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Gene : EPC1 A. thaliana

DB identifier  ? AT3G55830 Secondary Identifier  ? locus:2081983
Name  ? ECTOPICALLY PARTING CELLS Brief Description  Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein
TAIR Computational Description  Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein;(source:Araport11)
TAIR Curator Summary  A member of the Glycosyltransferase Family 64, homologous to Poplar cambium-expressed GT64 gene. The EPC1 protein plays a critical role during plant development in maintaining the integrity of organs via cell-cell adhesion, thereby providing mechanical strength and facilitating the movement of metabolites throughout the plant.Loss of function specifically affects glycosylinositolphosphorylceramide (GIPC) mannosylation.
TAIR Short Description  Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases superfamily protein
TAIR Aliases  EPC1, GMT1

1 Gene Rifs

1 Organism

13 Publications

0 Synonyms


Genome feature

Region: gene ? Length: 2498  
Location: Chr3:20714946-20717443

Gene models - EPC1 AT3G55830

? Gene models

Transcripts: 1  Exons: 5  Introns: 4 

Overlapping Features

? Genome features that overlap coordinates of this Gene

6 Child Features

0 Cross References

0 Downstream Intergenic Region

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1 Upstream Intergenic Region


Curated comments from UniProt

Type Comment Proteins
GMT1_ARATH function Mannosyl transferase (ManT) required for the biosynthesis of mannose-carrying glycosylinositol phosphorylceramides (GIPCs) (PubMed:27895225). Maybe involved in cell-cell adhesion that maintains the integrity of organs by providing mechanical strength and facilitating the movement of metabolites throughout the plant during development (PubMed:16045474). Prevents abscisic acid- (ABA-) mediated effects on development (e.g. cell size, flowering time, senescence). Probably implicated in beta-(1,4)-galactan biosynthesis thus being a cell-wall synthesis-related (CWSR) protein (PubMed:17426055, PubMed:20687615).
GMT1_ARATH pathway Protein modification; protein glycosylation.
GMT1_ARATH pathway Sphingolipid metabolism.
GMT1_ARATH similarity Belongs to the glycosyltransferase 64 family.
GMT1_ARATH tissue specificity Expressed in leaves, roots, stem, and flowers.

1 Proteins



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