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     Inter Mine Object ? 8122436
     Annotatable 1164846
     Author ? 195738
     Comment ? 156178
     Component ? 256
     Cross Reference ? 564888
     Data Set ? 19
     Data Source ? 25
     Database Reference 13691
     EC Number 1334
     GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function) 24917
     Homologue ? 409598
     Interaction ? 168463
     Interaction Detail 284611
     Interaction Experiment ? 5199
     Interaction Region ? 143
     Interactor 0
     Location ? 957372
     Mesh Term 0
     Ontology ? 4
     Ontology Annotation ? 312001
     Ontology Annotation Evidence Code 27
     Ontology Evidence 315310
     Ontology Relation ? 764840
     Ontology Term ? 45705
     Ontology Term Synonym ? 117925
     Organism ? 3
     Orthologue Evidence ? 1
     Orthologue Evidence Code ? 1
     Protein Domain Region 682189
     Publication ? 93473
     Sequence ? 885676
     Sequence Variant ? 0
     Synonym ? 421822
     Synteny Block 0
     UniProt Feature ? 536181