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Protein Domain : IPR024519

Description  This domain is found in a group of β-barrel porin-like outer membrane proteins from enteropathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. Intimins and invasins are virulence factors produced by pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria. They carry C-terminal extracellular passenger domains that are involved in adhesion to host cells and N-terminal beta domains that are embedded in the outer membrane. This entry represents the β-barrel porin-like domain in the outer membrane that can be found in intimins, invasins and other inverse autotransporters [ , ].Intimin is believed to mediate adherence and it is necessary for the production of attaching and effacing lesions on tissue culture cells [ ]. Invasin is a protein that allows enteric bacteria to penetrate cultured mammalian cells []. The entry of invasin in the cell is mediated by binding several beta-1 chain integrins []. Name  Inverse autotransporter, beta-domain
Short Name  IAT_beta Type  Domain
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