https://bar.utoronto.ca/thalemine/service/ is incorrectDescription | Two-component signal transduction systems enable bacteria to sense, respond, and adapt to a wide range of environments, stressors, and growth conditions [ ]. Some bacteria can contain up to as many as 200 two-component systems that need tight regulation to prevent unwanted cross-talk []. These pathways have been adapted to response to a wide variety of stimuli, including nutrients, cellular redox state, changes in osmolarity, quorum signals, antibiotics, and more []. Two-component systems are comprised of a sensor histidine kinase (HK) and its cognate response regulator (RR) []. The HK catalyses its own auto-phosphorylation followed by the transfer of the phosphoryl group to the receiver domain on RR; phosphorylation of the RR usually activates an attached output domain, which can then effect changes in cellular physiology, often by regulating gene expression. Some HK are bifunctional, catalysing both the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of their cognate RR. The input stimuli can regulate either the kinase or phosphatase activity of the bifunctional HK.A variant of the two-component system is the phospho-relay system. Here a hybrid HK auto-phosphorylates and then transfers the phosphoryl group to an internal receiver domain, rather than to a separate RR protein. The phosphoryl group is then shuttled to histidine phosphotransferase (HPT) and subsequently to a terminal RR, which can evoke the desired response [ , ].Signal transducing histidine kinases are the key elements in two-component signal transduction systems, which control complex processes such as the initiation of development in microorganisms [ , ]. Examples of histidine kinases are EnvZ, which plays a central role in osmoregulation [], and CheA, which plays a central role in the chemotaxis system []. Histidine kinases usually have an N-terminal ligand-binding domain and a C-terminal kinase domain, but other domains may also be present. The kinase domain is responsible for the autophosphorylation of the histidine with ATP, the phosphotransfer from the kinase to an aspartate of the response regulator, and (with bifunctional enzymes) the phosphotransfer from aspartyl phosphate back to ADP or to water []. The kinase core has a unique fold, distinct from that of the Ser/Thr/Tyr kinase superfamily.Pathogenic bacteria produce a number of virulence factors to facilitate host infection, and to combat competing species. Antibiotics are secreted by some pathogenic prokaryotes to lyse cells, some of which have been adapted by humans for use against virulent microbes. Amongst these are the lantibiotics, produced exclusively by Gram-positive bacteria. Lantibiotics are small, heavily post-translationally modified peptides that inhibit rival cell growth and are strongly cationic. | Name | Signal transduction histidine kinase/phosphatase, lantibiotic regulatory protein MprB |
Short Name | Sig_transdc_His_kin/Pase_MprB | Type | Family |