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Protein Domain : IPR003960

Description  The functional variety seen between AAA ATPases is in part due to their extensive number of accessory domains and factors, and to their variable organisation within oligomeric assemblies, in addition to changes in key functional residues within the ATPase domain itself.This entry covers a highly conserved region in the central part of the ATPase domain that is distinct from motifs A and B.AAA ATPases (ATPases Associated with diverse cellular Activities) form a large protein family and play a number of roles in the cell including cell-cycle regulation, protein proteolysis and disaggregation, organelle biogenesis and intracellular transport. Some of them function as molecular chaperones, subunits of proteolytic complexes or independent proteases (FtsH, Lon). They also act as DNA helicases and transcription factors [ ].AAA ATPases belong to the AAA+ superfamily of ringshaped P-loop NTPases, which act via the energy-dependent unfolding of macromolecules [ , ]. There are six major clades of AAA domains (proteasome subunits, metalloproteases, domains D1 and D2 of ATPases with two AAA domains, the MSP1/katanin/spastin group and BCS1 and it homologues), as well as a number of deeply branching minor clades [].They assemble into oligomeric assemblies (often hexamers) that form a ring-shaped structure with a central pore. These proteins produce a molecular motor that couples ATP binding and hydrolysis to changes in conformational states that act upon a target substrate, either translocating or remodelling it [ ].They are found in all living organisms and share the common feature of the presence of a highly conserved AAA domain called the AAA module. This domain is responsible for ATP binding and hydrolysis. It contains 200-250 residues, among them there are two classical motifs, Walker A (GX4GKT) and Walker B (HyDE) [ ]. Name  ATPase, AAA-type, conserved site
Short Name  ATPase_AAA_CS Type  Conserved_site
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305 Protein Domain Regions