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Protein Domain : IPR005511

Description  This entry represents members of the SMP-30/CGR1 family which act as lactonases such as regucalcin. Regucalcin (RGN) is a gluconolactonase ( ), converting D-glucono-1,5-lactone to D-gluconate, but also hydrolyses other carbohydrate lactones. This enzyme is required for the penultimate step in vitamin C biosynthesis. From its crystal structure, regucalcin has a six-bladed β-propeller fold, and binds a single metal ion (either Ca 2+or Zn 2+)) [ ]. Homologues with similar catalytic activity have been isolated and characterized from bacteria [ ]. There are other bacterial homologues. L-arabinolactonase (), from Azospirillum brasilense, converts L-arabino-gamma-lactone to L-arabonate, allowing the bacterium utilize L-arabinose as a sole carbon source [ ]; lactonase drp35 fromStaphylococcusspecies acts as a lactonase on dihydrocoumarin or 2-coumaranone [ ].A homologue from the squid Loligo vulgarican act as a diisopropyl-fluorophosphatase ( ), but its physiological substrate is unknown [ ].Regucalcin, also known as senesence marker protein-30 (SMP30), was discovered in 1978 as a Ca 2+binding protein that does not contain EF-hand motifs, suggesting a novel class of Ca 2+binding protein. It is primarily localised to the liver and kidney cortex of animals. Expression of its mRNA in the liver and renal cortex of rats is stimulated by an increase in cellular Ca 2+levels [ , ].Regucalin, as a regulatory protein of Ca 2+, has a pivotal role in the control of many cell functions. The protein has a reversible effect on Ca 2+-induced activation and inhibition of many enzymes in both the liver and renal cortex cells [ ]. It has also been shown to inhibit various protein kinases (including Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase [ ], protein kinase C [] and tyrosine kinase) and protein phosphatases, indicating a regulatory role in signal transduction within the cell. In addition, regucalcin regulates intracellular Ca2+homeostasis by enhancing Ca 2+-pumping activity in the plasma membrane through activation of the pump enzymes [ ]. Moreover, it can inhibit RNA synthesis in the nuclei of normal and regenerating rat livers in vitro [].Hydropathy profiles indicate hydrophobic domains in both N-and C-terminal regions of the regucalcin molecule; the protein also exhibits hydrophilic characteristics. Human and rodent regucalcins share 89% sequence identity, the high degree of conservation between species suggesting that the complete structure is required for physiological function. Name  Senescence marker protein-30 (SMP-30)
Short Name  SMP-30 Type  Family
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