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Protein Domain : IPR036888

Description  Cyclic di-AMP (c-di-AMP) is a bacterial secondary messenger molecule, which is associated with various physiological functions. It is involved in several important cellular processes, such as cell wall metabolism, maintenance of DNA integrity, ion transport, transcription regulation, and allosteric regulation of enzyme function. The 120-amino acid-long diadenylate cyclase (DAC) domain converts two ATP or ADP molecules into one c-di-AMP molecule. The majority of DAC domain-containing proteins are found in bacterial species, but a small number are also present in archaea of the phylum Euryarchaeota. In bacteria, DAC domain proteins are most frequently found in Gram-positive bacteria belonging to the phyla Firmicutes and Actinobacteria, including pathogenic bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes orStaphylococcus aureus. Compared with the majority of bacterial species which encode only one DAC enzyme, members of the genus Bacillusgenerally encode three DAC domain-containing proteins: DisA, CdaA (previously named YbbP in the genus Bacillusor DacA in other genera) and CdaS (previously named YojJ in the genus Bacillusor DacB in others) [ , , , , ].The DAC domain exhibits an overall globular α/β fold with the long N-terminally located helix (alpha1) flanking the core. A slightly twisted central β-sheet, made up of seven mixed-parallel and antiparallel β-strands, forms the core globular part. Both sides of the β-sheets are flanked by a total of five α-helices (alpha1-alpha5), resulting in the observed globular shape [ , ].The DisA protein is a bacterial checkpoint protein that dimerises into an octameric complex. The protein consists of three distinct domains. The DAC domain is the first and is a globular, nucleotide-binding region; the next 146-289 residues constitute the DisA-linker family, that consists of an elongated bundle of three α helices (alpha-6, alpha-10, and alpha-11), one side of which carries an additional three helices (alpha7-9), which thus forms a spine like-linker between domains 1 and 3. The C-terminal residues, of domain 3, are represented by family HHH, the specific DNA-binding domain. The octameric complex thus has structurally linked nucleotide-binding and DNA-binding HhH domains and the nucleotide-binding domains are bound to a cyclic di-adenosine phosphate such that DisA is a specific di-adenylate cyclase. The di-adenylate cyclase activity is strongly suppressed by binding to branched DNA, but not to duplex or single-stranded DNA, suggesting a role for DisA as a monitor of the presence of stalled replication forks or recombination intermediates via DNA structure-modulated c-di-AMP synthesis. Name  DNA integrity scanning protein, DisA, N-terminal domain superfamily
Short Name  DNA_integrity_DisA_N_sf Type  Homologous_superfamily
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