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Protein Domain : IPR055379

Description  This entry represents the platform domain of BBS2.BBSome complex member BBS2 (BBS2) is one of the BBS proteins that form the BBSome complex found in vertebrates and nematodes, including humans, mice, and Caenorhabditis elegans. The BBSome complex is required for ciliogenesis, as well as the assembly and movement of intraflagellar transport proteins along the ciliary membrane.Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS) is a heterogeneous genetic disorder characterised by many features, including retinal degeneration, obesity, cognitive impairment, polydactyly, renal abnormalities, and hypogenitalism. The BBSome is a complex of 8 subunits that lies at the base of the flagellar microtubule structure. The precise function of the all the individual components in cilia formation is unclear, however they function to promote loading of cargo to the ciliary axoneme [ ]. The primary cilium, a slim microtubule-based organelle that projects from the surface of vertebrate cells has crucial roles in vertebrate development and human genetic diseases. Cilia are required for the response to developmental signals, and evidence is accumulating that the primary cilium is specialised for Hedgehog (Hh) signal transduction. Formation of cilia, in turn, is regulated by other signalling pathways, possibly including the planar cell polarity pathway. The connections between cilia and developmental signalling have begun to clarify the basis of human diseases associated with ciliary dysfunction [].BBS2 is one of the three Bardet-Biedl syndrome subunits that is required for leptin receptor signalling in the hypothalamus [], and BBS2 and 4 are also required for the localisation of somatostatin receptor 3 and melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1 into neuronal cilia []. Name  BBS2, platform domain
Short Name  BBS2_pf_dom Type  Domain
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