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Protein : NAC52_ARATH A. thaliana

Primary Accession  ? Q9SQY0 Organism . Name  Arabidopsis thaliana
Length  451   MD5 Checksum  5cffa17883c2ae8d1959c98da281e273
UniProt Accession  Q9SQY0 Is UniProt Canonical  true
UniProt Name  NAC52_ARATH Is Fragment  false
Molecular Weight  51291.0 Name  NAC domain containing protein 52
Secondary Identifier  Q9SQY0


Trail: Protein

1 Genes

Trail: Protein

1 Organism

Trail: Protein

9 Publications

Trail: Protein


3 Cross References

Trail: Protein

1 Genes

Trail: Protein


Curated comments from UniProt

Type Comment
function Transcriptional repressor that binds to the motif 5'-(C/T)A(C/A)G-3' in the promoter of target genes (PubMed:25578968). Binds also to the 5'-CTTGNNNNNCAAG-3' consensus sequence in chromatin (PubMed:26617990). Can bind to the mitochondrial dysfunction motif (MDM) present in the upstream regions of mitochondrial dysfunction stimulon (MDS) genes involved in mitochondrial retrograde regulation (MRR) (PubMed:24045019). Together with NAC050 and JMJ14, regulates gene expression and flowering time by associating with the histone demethylase JMJ14, probably by the promotion of RNA-mediated gene silencing (PubMed:25578968, PubMed:26617990). Regulates siRNA-dependent post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) through SGS3 expression modulation (PubMed:28207953). Required during pollen development (PubMed:19237690).
tissue specificity Mostly expressed in floral organs, and, at low levels, in other organs.

13 Features

Trail: Protein

1 Isoforms

Trail: Protein

10 Keywords

Trail: Protein

4 Protein Domain Regions

Trail: Protein

1 Sequence

Trail: Protein


0 Canonical Protein

0 Components

2 Data Sets

Trail: Protein

0 Ec Numbers

0 Locations