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Protein : KNATM_ARATH A. thaliana

Primary Accession  ? F4HXU3 Organism . Name  Arabidopsis thaliana
Length  142   MD5 Checksum  6e050d3839d09c81fe9714dc68e69d0b
UniProt Accession  F4HXU3 Is UniProt Canonical  true
UniProt Name  KNATM_ARATH Is Fragment  false
Molecular Weight  16439.0 Name  Protein KNATM
Secondary Identifier  F4HXU3


Trail: Protein

1 Genes

Trail: Protein

1 Organism

Trail: Protein

4 Publications

Trail: Protein


6 Cross References

Trail: Protein

1 Genes

Trail: Protein


Curated comments from UniProt

Type Comment
function Transcriptional regulator involved in leaf proximal/distal patterning. May act by sequestering BELL transcription factors.
tissue specificity Detected in inflorescences, seedlings, leaves, hydathodes, stems, roots, embryo and siliques. Expressed in a polar pattern in organ primordia and at the boundary of mature organs. Detected in the lateral domains of flower meristems, but not in the inflorescence meristem or the vegetative shoot apical meristem.

5 Features

Trail: Protein

2 Isoforms

Trail: Protein

7 Keywords

Trail: Protein

3 Protein Domain Regions

Trail: Protein

1 Sequence

Trail: Protein


0 Canonical Protein

0 Components

2 Data Sets

Trail: Protein

0 Ec Numbers

0 Locations