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Interaction Term : MI:0603 dimethylsulphate footprinting PSI Molecular Interactions

Description  Dimethylsulphate (DMS) is the most commonly used chemical to study DNA-protein interactions. DMS induces methylation of guanine residues so DNA interaction with protein binding to AT rich sequences or to the phosphate backbone may be not detected by DMS footprinting. However as DMS diffuses across membrane it can also be used for in vivo footprinting. The experiment involves the treatment with DMS of two DNA samples with identical sequence, one protein bound and the other naked. The two samples are treated with piperidine to induce chemical cleavage of the DMS modified guanine residues followed by digestion with restriction enzymes. Once labelled the samples are run in parallel on a gel to visualize the pattern of nested fragments sharing a common end generated by restriction enzyme(or PCR primer extension) and a variable end guanine dependent. The missing bands of the protein bound sample correspond to the guanine residues protected from modification by an interaction. Namespace  PSI-MI
Obsolete  false

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