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Ontology Term : Photorespiration UniProtKeyword

Description  Protein involved in a light-dependent process to convert 2-phospho- glycolate (2-PG) into 3-phospho-D-glycerate (3-PG), where oxygen is consumed and carbon dioxide released. It takes place in plants and cyanobacteria during the light period, since in the presence of O(2) their type of Rubisco can catalyze the oxidative fragmentation of ribulose 1,5-biphosphate to 3-PG and 2-PG. 2-PG inhibits the Calvin cycle enzyme triose-phosphate isomerase, and so must be eliminated quickly. In plants 2-PG is recycled to 3-PG via reactions in peroxisomes, mitochondria as well as chloroplasts. For every 2 molecules of 2-PG, one molecule of 3-PG is formed and one molecule of CO(2) is lost. In cyanobacteria it seems there are two mechanisms to deal with 2-PG; a path similar to that described for plants and the bacterial-like glycerate pathway

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