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GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function) :

Annotation  After screening mutagenized lon2-2 seedlings for restored indole-3-butyric acid responsiveness, stabilization and processing of peroxisomal proteins, levels of several ATG proteins, and levels of the selective autophagy receptor NBR1/At4g24690, which accumulates when autophagy is impaired, were evaluated. The study recovered 21 alleles disrupting 6 ATG genes: ATG2, ATG3, ATG5, ATG7, ATG16, and ATG18a. Organism  A. thaliana
Gene  ATG3 PubMed Id  30734619
last updated  2020-06-20

1 Gene

Trail: Generif

1 Organism

Trail: Generif

1 Publication

Trail: Generif