https://bar.utoronto.ca/thalemine/service/ is incorrectDescription | GspN is a cytoplasmic membrane component of the type II secretion system (T2SS). It is present in T2SS operons of a subset of Gram-negative speciesI, such as Aeromonas hydrophila (gene exeN); Erwinia carotovora (gene outN); Klebsiella pneumoniae (gene pulN); or Vibrio cholerae (gene epsN) [ ]. The size of the 'N' protein is around 250 amino acids. It apparently contains a single transmembrane domain located in the N-terminal section. The short N-terminal domain is predicted to be cytoplasmic and the large C-terminal domain periplasmic.The type II secretion system (T2SS) is one of several extracellular secretion systems in gram-negative bacteria. It delivers toxins and a range of hydrolytic enzymes including proteases, lipases and carbohydrate-active enzymes to the cell surface or extracellular space [ ]. T2SS systems are composed of 11 to 15 different proteins, which are generally called GspA to GspO and GspS. The T2SS spans the two bacterial membranes and ensures secretion of folded proteins across the outer membrane pore formed by GspD. The inner membrane complex contains GspC, GspL, GspM, and GspF. The cytoplasmic domains of GspL and GspF interact with an ATPase, GspE. GspE is thought to energize the formation of a short pseudopilus by several pilin-like proteins, GspG to GspK []. GspD has been shown to interact with the inner membrane component GspC []. | Name | Type II secretion system protein GspN |
Short Name | T2SS_protein-GspN | Type | Family |