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Protein Domain : IPR000163

Description  This entry describes proteins similar to prohibitin (a lipid raft-associated integral membrane protein). Individual proteins of the SPFH (band 7) domain superfamily may cluster to form membrane microdomains which may in turn recruit multiprotein complexes [ ]. These microdomains, in addition to being stable scaffolds, may also be dynamic units with their own regulatory functions [, ]. Prohibitin is a mitochondrial inner-membrane protein which may act as a chaperone for the stabilization of mitochondrial proteins. Human prohibitin forms a hetero-oligomeric complex with Bap-37 (prohibitin 2, an SPFH domain carrying homologue). This complex may protect non-assembled membrane proteins against proteolysis by the m-AAA protease [, ]. Prohibitin and Bap-37 yeast homologues have been implicated in yeast longevity [] and in the maintenance of mitochondrial morphology. Sequence comparisons suggest that the prohibitin gene is an analogue of Cc, a Drosophila melanogaster gene that is vital for normal development [].Genes that negatively regulate proliferation inside the cell are of considerable interest because of the implications in processes such as development and cancer [ ]. Prohibitin acts as a cytoplasmic anti-proliferative protein, is widely expressed in a variety of tissues and inhibits DNA synthesis. Studies have suggested that prohibitin may be a suppressor gene and is associated with tumour development and/or progression of at least some breast cancers [ ]. Name  Prohibitin
Short Name  Prohibitin Type  Family
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138 Protein Domain Regions