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Protein : SWET5_ARATH A. thaliana

Primary Accession  ? Q9FM10 Organism . Name  Arabidopsis thaliana
Length  240   MD5 Checksum  e37d6edae7e47c45ee2666b5fb94d9b7
UniProt Accession  Q9FM10 Is UniProt Canonical  true
UniProt Name  SWET5_ARATH Is Fragment  false
Molecular Weight  27210.0 Name  Bidirectional sugar transporter SWEET5
Secondary Identifier  Q9FM10


Trail: Protein

1 Genes

Trail: Protein

1 Organism

Trail: Protein

8 Publications

Trail: Protein


4 Cross References

Trail: Protein

1 Genes

Trail: Protein


Curated comments from UniProt

Type Comment
developmental stage Expressed in the vegetative cell during the later stages of pollen development, mostly in tricellular pollen grains, and, to a lower extent, in bicellular pollen grains.
function Mediates both low-affinity uptake and efflux of sugar across the plasma membrane (By similarity). May play roles in nurturing the male gametophyte (PubMed:25988582).
similarity Belongs to the SWEET sugar transporter family.

21 Features

Trail: Protein

0 Isoforms

8 Keywords

Trail: Protein

3 Protein Domain Regions

Trail: Protein

1 Sequence

Trail: Protein


0 Canonical Protein

0 Components

2 Data Sets

Trail: Protein

0 Ec Numbers

0 Locations