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Protein : FZR1_ARATH A. thaliana

Primary Accession  ? Q8VZS9 Organism . Name  Arabidopsis thaliana
Length  475   MD5 Checksum  bf43abe433afdeca8037cca92d81578b
UniProt Accession  Q8VZS9 Is UniProt Canonical  true
UniProt Name  FZR1_ARATH Is Fragment  false
Molecular Weight  52330.0 Name  Protein FIZZY-RELATED 1
Secondary Identifier  Q8VZS9


1 Genes

1 Organism

9 Publications


2 Cross References

1 Genes


Curated comments from UniProt

Type Comment
developmental stage Expressed from late M until late S-early G2 phases.
function Activator protein that regulates the ubiquitin ligase activity and substrate specificity of the anaphase promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). Required for meristem organization and maintenance of quiescent center identity and stem cells.
pathway Protein modification; protein ubiquitination.
similarity Belongs to the WD repeat CDC20/Fizzy family.
tissue specificity Expressed in the root tip, predominantly in the root cap, quiescent center cells, surrounding stem cells and columella.

10 Features

0 Isoforms

8 Keywords

12 Protein Domain Regions

1 Sequence



0 Canonical Protein

0 Components

2 Data Sets

0 Ec Numbers

0 Locations