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Protein Domain : IPR022110

Description  This domain can be found at the C terminus of CASC1.The CAncer Susceptibility Candidate 1 (CASC1) gene is expressed in lung tissues, and is a strong candidate for the pulmonary adenoma susceptibility 1 (Pas1) locus, the major determinant of strain variation in lung tumour susceptibility [ ]. There appears to be a strong correlation between functional polymorphism of CASC1 and lung tumour suspectibility in mice [].Different mouse strains fall into two genotype groups (susceptible and intermediate) according to differences in the 60th codon of the CASC1 gene [ ]. The mouse CASC1 gene shares 81% similarity with the human equivalent; the role of CASC1 in human lung-cancer risk may nevertheless differ from that in mice [, ]. Name  CASC1, C-terminal
Short Name  CASC1_C Type  Domain
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