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Protein Domain : IPR051465

Description  This family of proteins includes components that are involved in the structural organization and integrity of the cell envelope. They typically exhibit a tripartite organization with a C-terminal outer membrane beta-barrel domain, a central trimeric coiled coil, and an N-terminal domain that can interact with the peptidoglycan layer. Some members function as anchoring proteins that bind cellulosomes to the cell surface, while others form a paracrystalline mono-layered assembly known as the S-layer, which coats the surface of bacteria. The S-layer proteins play roles in protecting the cell, potentially acting as nonselective channels that facilitate the exchange of substances with the environment. Additionally, some proteins within this family may be involved in linking the outer membrane to the inner membrane or the peptidoglycan layer, contributing to the cell's structural stability. Name  Cell Envelope Structural Component
Short Name  Cell_Envelope_Struct_Comp Type  Family
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