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Interaction Term : MI:2397 cisphenotypic co-suppressing genetic interaction PSI Molecular Interactions

Description  An effect in which individual perturbations of different genes result in the same mutant phenotype but to varying degrees of severity/penetrance and the resulting phenotype of their combination is less severe/penetrant than both of the phenotypes resulting from the individual perturabtions. With respect to any single quantifiable phenotype, this may be expressed as an inequality as: a* < b < ab < wt [E = a*] OR wt < ab < b < a* [E = a*] where 'a' and 'b' are the observed phenotype values of the individual perturbations ('a*' being the most severe of the two), 'ab' is the observed phenotype value of the double perturbation, 'E' is the expected phenotype value of the double perturbation, and 'wt' is the wild type phenotype value. Namespace  PSI-MI
Obsolete  false

0 Data Sets

1 Ontology

17 Parents

16 Relations

0 Synonyms