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Interaction Term : MI:1274 minimal genetic epistasis PSI Molecular Interactions

Description  An effect in which individual perturbations of two different genes result in the same mutant phenotype to varying degrees of severity/penetrance and the resulting phenotype of their combination is equal in severity/penetrance to the least severe/penetrant of the individual perturbations. With respect to any single quantifiable phenotype, this may be expressed as an inequality as: a* < ab = b < wt OR wt < b = ab < a* where 'a' and 'b' are the observed phenotype values of the individual perturbations ('a*' being the most severe of the two), 'ab' is the observed phenotype value of the double perturbation, and 'wt' is the wild type phenotype value. Namespace  PSI-MI
Obsolete  false

0 Data Sets

1 Ontology

20 Parents

19 Relations

2 Synonyms