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Protein Domain : IPR021085

Description  This family is secreted by Gram-negative Gammaproteobacteria such as Pseudomonas syringae of tomato and Erwinia amylovora (Fire blight bacteria), amongst others. It is an essential pathogenicity factor of approximately 198kDa. Its injection into the host-plant is dependent upon the bacterial type III or Hrp secretion system [ ]. The family is long and carries a number of predicted functional regions, including an ERMS or endoplasmic reticulum membrane retention signal at both the C- and the N termini, a leucine-zipper motif from residues 539-560, and a nuclear localisation signal at 1358-1361. This conserved AvrE-family of effectors is among the few that are required for full virulence of many phytopathogenic pseudomonads, erwinias and pantoeas [].A double β-propeller structure is found towards the N terminus [ ]. Furthermore, AvrE1, an AvrE-family T3E from Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato strain DC3000, associates with specific PP2A B- subunit proteins from its susceptible host Arabidopsis. In a similar fashion, the WtsE (AvrE-family T3E from the maize pathogen Pantoea stewartii subsp. Stewartii) has been shown to target maize protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) heterotrimeric enzyme complexes via direct interaction with B- regulatory subunits. Taken together, it has been indicated that that sub-component specific PP2A complexes are targeted by bacterial T3Es, including direct targeting by members of the widely conserved AvrE-family. Additionally, DspE, a type-III effector encoded by the broad-host-range bacterial soft-rot pathogen Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum (Pcc), has been indicated to be required and sufficient for disease-associated cell death in host plants []. Name  AvrE-family Type-III effector protein
Short Name  AvrE_T3Es Type  Family
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