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Encodes a member of KPP-like gene family, homolog of KPP (kinase partner protein) gene in tomato. Also a member of the RopGEF (guanine nucleotide exchange factor) family, containing the novel PRONE domain (plant-specific Rop nucleotide exchanger), which is exclusively active towards members of the Rop subfamily. Involved in cell wall patterning. Encodes ROP activator, regulates the formation of ROP-activated domains; these in turn determine the pattern of cell wall pits. Required for periodic formation of secondary cell wall pits.
During embryogenesis, specifically expressed in the precursor cells of the quiescent center (QC) at the heart, torpedo, bent-cotyledon, and mature embryo stages. At the seedling stage, expressed in the QC and vascular bundles of root differentiated zones and lateral root primordia. Expressed in the vasculature of hypocotyls, and meristemoids and guard cells of cotyledons.
Guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that acts as an activator of Rop (Rho of plants) GTPases by promoting the exchange of GDP for GTP. In postembryonic roots, modulates root stem cell maintenance by regulating the expression of PLT1 and PLT2, which are key transcription factors that mediate the patterning of the root stem cell niche. May connect RopGEF-regulated Rac/Rop signaling and auxin-dependent PLT-regulated root pattern formation.