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Gene : FHY1 A. thaliana

DB identifier  ? AT2G37678 Secondary Identifier  ? locus:4010713689
Name  ? far-red elongated hypocotyl 1 Brief Description  far-red elongated hypocotyl 1
TAIR Computational Description  far-red elongated hypocotyl 1;(source:Araport11)
TAIR Curator Summary  Positive regulator of photomorphogenesis in far-red light. Most abundant in young seedlings in the dark. Downregulated in the light and older as plants develop. Localized in the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Nuclear localization strongest in the dark. Degraded through the 26S proteasome. Regulated by PHYA. It is specifically required for the light-regulated nuclear accumulation of phyA ( but not phyB) likely by shuttling PHYA into the nucleus.
TAIR Short Description  far-red elongated hypocotyl 1
TAIR Aliases  FHY1, FRY1, PAT3

9 Gene Rifs

1 Organism

52 Publications

0 Synonyms


Genome feature

Region: gene ? Length: 1376  
Location: Chr2:15801418-15802793 reverse strand

Gene models - FHY1 AT2G37678

? Gene models

Transcripts: 2  Exons: 5  Introns: 3 

Overlapping Features

? Genome features that overlap coordinates of this Gene

6 Child Features

1 Cross References

1 Downstream Intergenic Region

0 Located Features

1 Upstream Intergenic Region


Curated comments from UniProt

Type Comment Proteins
FHY1_ARATH FHY1_ARATH-2 FHY1_ARATH-3 developmental stage Accumulates in young seedlings with a peak three days after seed germination (PubMed:11726703). Mostly abundant in young seedlings grown in darkness, but quickly down-regulated during further seedling development and by light exposure (at protein level) (PubMed:16244150).
FHY1_ARATH FHY1_ARATH-2 FHY1_ARATH-3 function Key regulator of far red / red (FR/R) spectrum-specific responses essential for the adaption to changing light conditions (e.g. de-etiolation), essentially by regulating PHYA shuttling from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and by directly regulating the expression of some target genes, depending on light conditions and phosphorylation status (PubMed:22582101). Binds chromatin at target genes promoters, especially in FR light conditions (PubMed:25071219). Can activate transcription of different genes, some being in a phytochrome A (PHYA)-dependent and other in a PHYA-independent manners (PubMed:11726703, PubMed:15469493, PubMed:25071219). Controls specific aspects of plant development, such as the inhibition of seed germination under FR during salt stress (PubMed:25071219). Essential for light-regulated PHYA nuclear accumulation and subsequent PHYA phototropic signaling processes involved in photomorphogenesis (PubMed:17566111, PubMed:19482971, PubMed:21969386, PubMed:22374392, PubMed:25071219). Mediates the association of PHYA with HFR1 and LAF1 in the nucleus in response to FR conditions (PubMed:19482971). PHYA-specific signal transducer in response to continuous FR lights (PubMed:11711433, PubMed:11726703, PubMed:15469493, PubMed:16045472, PubMed:19482971, PubMed:8364355). Contributes to inhibition of hypocotyl elongation in continuous blue light (B) (PubMed:16045472).
FHY1_ARATH FHY1_ARATH-2 FHY1_ARATH-3 similarity Belongs to the FHY1 protein family.
FHY1_ARATH FHY1_ARATH-2 FHY1_ARATH-3 subcellular location In hypocotyls, mostly present in nucleus of dark (cD) grown plants, but also detected at low levels in cytoplasm of cD and continuous far red (cFR) grown plants. Disappearance of the nuclear pool after exposition of etiolated plants to the light is faster in red (R), blue (B) and white light (WL) than in FR (PubMed:11711433). Shuttles reversibly from cytoplasm to nuclear bodies when dephosphorylated in FR but stay in the cytoplasm when phosphorylated by PHYA in other light conditions (PubMed:18980642, PubMed:21884939, PubMed:22582101).
FHY1_ARATH FHY1_ARATH-2 FHY1_ARATH-3 tissue specificity Expressed in hypocotyl cells of etiolated plants.

3 Proteins


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