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Search results 1 to 15 out of 15 for whole-plant

Type Details Score
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: mutations trigger widespread changes in transcript levels and whole-plant phenotypes
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: LINC2
PubMed Id: 30696746
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: mutations trigger widespread changes in transcript levels and whole-plant phenotypes
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: LINC1
PubMed Id: 30696746
First Author: Guiboileau A
Title: Autophagy machinery controls nitrogen remobilization at the whole-plant level under both limiting and ample nitrate conditions in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2012
Journal: New Phytol
Volume: 194
Pages: 732-740
First Author: Caliandro R
Title: Effects of altered α- and β-branch carotenoid biosynthesis on photoprotection and whole-plant acclimation of Arabidopsis to photo-oxidative stress.
Year: 2013
Journal: Plant Cell Environ
Volume: 36
Pages: 438-53
First Author: Nir I
Title: The Arabidopsis gibberellin methyl transferase 1 suppresses gibberellin activity, reduces whole-plant transpiration and promotes drought tolerance in transgenic tomato.
Year: 2014
Journal: Plant Cell Environ
Volume: 37
Pages: 113-23
First Author: Waters BM
Title: Whole-plant mineral partitioning throughout the life cycle in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes Columbia, Landsberg erecta, Cape Verde Islands, and the mutant line ysl1ysl3.
Year: 2008
Journal: New Phytol
Volume: 177
Pages: 389-405
First Author: Kalcsits LA
Title: Whole-plant and organ-level nitrogen isotope discrimination indicates modification of partitioning of assimilation, fluxes and allocation of nitrogen in knockout lines of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Year: 2013
Journal: Physiol Plant
Volume: 149
Pages: 249-59
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: study shows that the overexpression of ATG8 genes provides beneficial effects on N management at the whole-plant level without affecting yield or plant biomass.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: ATG8E
PubMed Id: 30407574
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: study shows that the overexpression of ATG8 genes provides beneficial effects on N management at the whole-plant level without affecting yield or plant biomass.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: ATG8G
PubMed Id: 30407574
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AtOPT3 plays a critical role in two important aspects of iron metabolism, namely, maintenance of whole-plant iron homeostasis and iron nutrition of developing seeds.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: OPT3
PubMed Id: 18083798
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: study shows that the overexpression of ATG8 genes provides beneficial effects on N management at the whole-plant level without affecting yield or plant biomass.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: APG8A
PubMed Id: 30407574
First Author: Mimida N
Title: Constitutive expression of two apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) homolog genes of LIKE HETEROCHROMATIN PROTEIN1 affects flowering time and whole-plant growth in transgenic Arabidopsis.
Year: 2007
Journal: Mol Genet Genomics
Volume: 278
Pages: 295-305
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: study shows that the overexpression of ATG8 genes provides beneficial effects on N management at the whole-plant level without affecting yield or plant biomass. [ATG8]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: ATG8F
PubMed Id: 30407574
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: In addition to the role of RPL24 in ribosome-related whole-plant growth and the development of several organs, RPL24 functions specifically in auxin-mediated apical-basal patterning of the gynoecium. [RPL24B]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: STV1
PubMed Id: 16227452
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Beyond demonstrating that XRN4 is a major player in multiple decay pathways, this study identified intriguing molecular impacts of the enzyme, including those that led to new insights about mRNA decay and discovery of functional contributions at the whole-plant level
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: XRN4
PubMed Id: 31428786