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Search results 42801 to 42900 out of 43165 for cell



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Type Details Score
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving hemicelluloses, plant cell wall polysaccharides that have a backbone of 1,4-linked beta-D-pyranosyl residues in which O4 is in the equatorial orientation. Many different hemicelluloses usually occur intermixed with each molecular type representing different degrees of polymerization and contain many different sugar monomers, which can include glucose, xylose, mannose, galactose, and arabinose. Hemicelluloses also contain most of the D-pentose sugars and occasionally small amounts of L-sugars as well. Xylose is always the sugar monomer present in the largest amount, but mannuronic acid and galacturonic acid also tend to be present.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of the detection of a low fluence blue light stimulus by the blue low-fluence system. Blue light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of between 440 and 500nm. The blue low-fluence system responds to blue light at or below 0.1 micromols/m2. In certain species excitation of the blue low fluence system induces the transcription of a number of nuclear and plastid coded genes.
GO Term
Description: Thin filamentous structure extending from the surface of all plastid types examined so far, including chloroplast, proplastid, etioplast, leucoplast, amyloplast, and chromoplast. In general, stromules are more abundant in tissues containing non-green plastids, and in cells containing smaller plastids. The primary function of stromules is still unresolved, although the presence of stromules markedly increases the plastid surface area, potentially increasing transport to and from the cytosol. Other functions of stromules, such as transfer of macromolecules between plastids and starch granule formation in cereal endosperm, may be restricted to particular tissues and cell types.
GO Term
Description: The cell cycle process in which genetic material, in the form of chromosomes, is organized and then physically separated and apportioned to two or more sets during a normally chiasmate meiosis under the condition that chiasma have not occurred between a particular pair of homologs. Distributive segregation is a backup mechanism to ensure the segregation of homologs that have failed to cross over - either as a consequence of mutation or not, as, for example, the 4th chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster (which never exchanges, presumably due to its small size) - but nevertheless segregate normally.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a cortisone stimulus. Cortisone is a natural glucocorticoid steroid hormone that is metabolically convertible to cortisol. Cortisone is synthesized from cholesterol in the cortex of the adrenal gland under the stimulation of adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH). The main physiological effect of cortisone is on carbohydrate metabolism; it can stimulate increased glucose release from the liver, increased liver glycogen synthesis, and decreased utilization of glucose by the tissues.
GO Term
Description: The assembly by the symbiont of a threadlike, tubular structure, which may contain multiple nuclei and may or may not be divided internally by septa or cross-walls, for the purpose of penetration into its host organism. In the case of an appressorium existing, this term is defined in further details as the process in which the symbiont penetration peg expands to form a hypha which traverses the epidermal cell and emerges into the intercellular space of the mesophyll tissue. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction.
GO Term
Description: A bacterial transmembrane transporter complex that spans the entire cell membrane system and possesses ATP-dependent xenobiotic transport activity pumping drugs (typically antibiotics) and other toxins directly from the cytosol out of the bacterial cell. Typically, it is trimeric consisting of a inner membrane ATPase (IMP), a periplasmic membrane fusion protein (MFP) and an outer membrane factor (OMF). In E. coli, macrolide transporter complexes may consists of MacB (IMP), MacA (MFP) and TolC (OMF) or AcrB (IMP), AcrA (MFP) and TolC (OMF). Trimeric TolC is a common OMF found in many macrolide transporter complexes.
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GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the movement of proteins from the cytoplasm into the nucleus.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the movement of RNA from the cytoplasm into the nucleus.
GO Term
Description: The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the nematode larva over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Nematode larval development begins with the newly hatched first-stage larva (L1) and ends with the end of the last larval stage (for example the fourth larval stage (L4) in C. elegans). Each stage of nematode larval development is characterized by proliferation of specific cell lineages and an increase in body size without alteration of the basic body plan. Nematode larval stages are separated by molts in which each stage-specific exoskeleton, or cuticle, is shed and replaced anew.
GO Term
Description: A cytoskeletal structure composed of actin filaments, myosin, and myosin-associated proteins that forms beneath the plasma membrane of many cells, including animal cells and yeast cells, in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the meiotic spindle, i.e. the cell division plane. Ring contraction is associated with centripetal growth of the membrane that divides the cytoplasm of the two future daughter cells. In animal cells, the meiotic contractile ring is located inside the plasma membrane at the location of the cleavage furrow. In fungal cells, the meiotic contractile ring forms beneath the plasma membrane of the prospore envelope in preparation for completing cytokinesis.
GO Term
Description: The cell cycle process in which two small cells are generated, as byproducts destined to degenerate, as a result of the first and second meiotic divisions of a primary oocyte during its development to a mature ovum. One polar body is formed in the first division of meiosis and the other in the second division; at each division, the cytoplasm divides unequally, so that the polar body is of much smaller size than the developing oocyte. At the second division in which a polar body is formed, the polar body and the developing oocyte each contain a haploid set of chromosomes.
GO Term
Description: An axon arising from cerebellar projecting cells in the cochlea, vestibular nuclei, spinal cord, reticular formation, cerebellar nuclei and basilar pontine nuclei. Mossy fibers enter through all three cerebellar peduncles and send collaterals to the deep cerebellar nuclei, then branch in the white matter and terminate in the granule cell layer. Through this branching, a given mossy fiber can innervate several folia. Mossy fibers synapse on granule cells. The synaptic contacts are made at enlargements along the length of the mossy fiber called mossy fiber rosettes. The enlargements of the rosettes give the axons a mossy-looking appearance in Golgi stained preparations.
GO Term
Description: The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the sympathetic nervous system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The sympathetic nervous system is one of the two divisions of the vertebrate autonomic nervous system (the other being the parasympathetic nervous system). The sympathetic preganglionic neurons have their cell bodies in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord and connect to the paravertebral chain of sympathetic ganglia. Innervate heart and blood vessels, sweat glands, viscera and the adrenal medulla. Most sympathetic neurons, but not all, use noradrenaline as a post-ganglionic neurotransmitter.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a cortisone stimulus. Cortisone is a natural glucocorticoid steroid hormone that is metabolically convertible to cortisol. Cortisone is synthesized from cholesterol in the cortex of the adrenal gland under the stimulation of adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH). The main physiological effect of cortisone is on carbohydrate metabolism; it can stimulate increased glucose release from the liver, increased liver glycogen synthesis, and decreased utilization of glucose by the tissues.
Ontology Term
Description: Protein which is part of an anion channel found in the plasma membrane and in intracellular membranes. These channels are permeable for various anions, such as iodide, bromide, but also for nitrates, phosphates and even negatively charged amino acids. They are called chloride channels, because chloride is the most abundant anion and the predominant permeating species in all organisms. They have been classified according to their gating mechanisms, which may depend on changes in the transmembrane electric field (voltage-dependent/gated chloride channels, e.g. ClC family), on a protein kinase/nucleotide mediated mechanism (CFTR), an increase in intracellular calcium (calcium activated chloride channels, e.g. CaCC), cell swelling (volume-regulated anion channels, e.g. VRAC) or binding of a ligand, e.g. glycine or - aminobutyric acid (GABA) activated channels. In contrast with cation channels, they are not involved in the initiation or spread of excitation, but in the regulation of excitability in nerve and muscle. They also participate in many housekeeping processes, such as volume regulation, pH regulation in organelles, electrogenesis and control of synaptic activity. The chloride channels are crucial for transepithelial transport and the control of water flow, and often provide unexpected permeation pathways for a large variety of anions
GO Term
Description: The process in which a virus effects a change in the processes and activities of its host organism.
GO Term
Description: Binding to NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) proteins, a family of transcription factors. NFAT proteins have crucial roles in the development and function of the immune system.
UniProt Feature
Begin: 309
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 309
UniProt Feature
Begin: 159
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 159
UniProt Feature
Begin: 327
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 327
UniProt Feature
Begin: 332
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 332
UniProt Feature
Begin: 94
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 94
UniProt Feature
Begin: 91
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 91
UniProt Feature
Begin: 217
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 217
UniProt Feature
Begin: 193
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 193
UniProt Feature
Begin: 149
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 149
UniProt Feature
Begin: 324
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 324
UniProt Feature
Begin: 308
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 308
UniProt Feature
Begin: 33
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 33
UniProt Feature
Begin: 235
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 235
UniProt Feature
Begin: 340
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332 and A-336.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 340
UniProt Feature
Begin: 84
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 84
UniProt Feature
Begin: 320
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 320
UniProt Feature
Begin: 197
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 197
UniProt Feature
Begin: 336
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 336
UniProt Feature
Begin: 29
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 29
UniProt Feature
Begin: 331
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 331
UniProt Feature
Begin: 79
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 79
UniProt Feature
Begin: 163
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 163
UniProt Feature
Begin: 145
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 145
UniProt Feature
Begin: 19
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 19
UniProt Feature
Begin: 141
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 141
UniProt Feature
Begin: 86
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-233, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 86
UniProt Feature
Begin: 233
Description: Reduced ASK7-mediated phosphorylation, enhanced stabilization at the plasma membrane and increased cell division; when associated with A-19, A-29, A-33, A-79, A-84, A-86, A-91, A-94, A-141, A-145, A-149, A-159, A-163, A-193, A-197, A-217, A-235, A-308, A-309, A-320, A-324, A-327, A-331, A-332, A-336 and A-340.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 233
UniProt Feature
Begin: 193
Description: Unable to rescue disruption phenotype. Ectopic stomata formation and increased accumulation; when associated with A-211, A-214, A-219 and A-255. Ectopic asymmetric cell divisions, but fails to produce stomata, and reduced repression by osmotic stress (e.g. mannitol); when associated with A-211, A-214 and A-219.
Type: mutagenesis site
End: 193
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