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Search results 101 to 200 out of 326 for inflorescence



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First Author: Liu C
Title: A conserved genetic pathway determines inflorescence architecture in Arabidopsis and rice.
Year: 2013
Journal: Dev Cell
Volume: 24
Pages: 612-22
First Author: Mazur E
Title: Cellular events during interfascicular cambium ontogenesis in inflorescence stems of Arabidopsis.
Year: 2014
Journal: Protoplasma
Volume: 251
Pages: 1125-39
First Author: Roberts K
Title: Increased extensin levels in Arabidopsis affect inflorescence stem thickening and height.
Year: 2006
Journal: J Exp Bot
Volume: 57
Pages: 537-45
First Author: Sun L
Title: GLABROUS INFLORESCENCE STEMS3 (GIS3) regulates trichome initiation and development in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2015
Journal: New Phytol
Volume: 206
Pages: 220-230
Length: 17067  
Chromosome Location: Chr2: 12056213-12073279
Organism . Short Name: A. thaliana
TAIR Computational Description: P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein;(source:Araport11)
TAIR Curator Summary: Encodes a SWI2/SNF2-like protein in the SNF2 subclass. Homozygous plants with null mutations exhibit premature termination of the meristem and carpelloid structures from the inflorescence meristem. Co-activator of floral homeotic gene expression. Acts with LFY to regulate shoot apical meristem identity. Required for meristem maintenance. Regulates flowering under a non-inductive photoperiod. It promotes the expression of CUC2 during cotyledon boundary formation. Affects reproductive shoot apical meristem function by regulating the expression of WUS. In CHiP experiments SYD binds to WUS promoter. Present as two forms in the nucleus, full-length and truncated, with the latter apparently lacking the C-terminal domain. The ratio of the two forms differs in juvenile and in adult tissues. The C-terminal domain is not required for activity. The mRNA is cell-to-cell mobile.
TAIR Short Description: P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein
TAIR Aliases: CHR3, SYD
GO Term
Description: The process controlling the point in time during development when a vegetative meristem will change its identity to become an inflorescence or floral meristem, and/or the rate at which the change occurs.
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: TFL1 gene plays an important role in hormone-regulated inflorescence formation.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: TFL1
PubMed Id: 16676184
First Author: George L
Title: The ACA10 Ca2+-ATPase regulates adult vegetative development and inflorescence architecture in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2008
Journal: Plant Physiol
Volume: 146
Pages: 716-28
First Author: Li Y
Title: ATH1 and KNAT2 proteins act together in regulation of plant inflorescence architecture.
Year: 2012
Journal: J Exp Bot
Volume: 63
Pages: 1423-33
First Author: Kim J
Title: microRNA-directed cleavage of ATHB15 mRNA regulates vascular development in Arabidopsis inflorescence stems.
Year: 2005
Journal: Plant J
Volume: 42
Pages: 84-94
First Author: Hensel LL
Title: The fate of inflorescence meristems is controlled by developing fruits in Arabidopsis.
Year: 1994
Journal: Plant Physiol
Volume: 106
Pages: 863-76
First Author: Cai H
Title: ERECTA signaling controls Arabidopsis inflorescence architecture through chromatin-mediated activation of PRE1 expression.
Year: 2017
Journal: New Phytol
Volume: 214
Pages: 1579-1596
Length: 3217  
Chromosome Location: Chr1: 27452748-27455964
Organism . Short Name: A. thaliana
TAIR Computational Description: Glucose-methanol-choline (GMC) oxidoreductase family protein;(source:Araport11)
TAIR Curator Summary: Originally identified as a mutation that causes floral organs to fuse together. About 10-20% of mutants also have defects in ovules. Mutants have reduced fertility most likely as because of fusions that pistil emergence. The protein has similarity to the mandelonitrile lyase family of FAD containing oxidoreductases and is predicted to be secreted (SignalP).It is expressed in all tissue layers of roots, inflorescences, stems, leaves, and flowers and is also expressed in siliques. Expression is highest in inflorescence and flower tissue.Transmission of mutant alleles to the progeny shows non mendelian segregation- a percentage of mutant alleles revert back to a previous parental (e.g. grandparental) wild type allele. It has been suggested that an RNA template driven or other extra-DNA genomic mechanism may be responsible for the non-mendelian inheritance of HTH. Reversion events in alleles at other loci have also been observed to occur in plants with an hth mutant background indicating a genome wide effect.
TAIR Short Description: Glucose-methanol-choline (GMC) oxidoreductase family protein
TAIR Aliases: EDA17, HTH
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: UFO alters leaf development and produces ectopic floral and inflorescence meristems
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: UFO
PubMed Id: 24376756
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Mutation of AHP6 causes a higher activity of the inflorescence meristem.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: HP6
PubMed Id: 21224426
First Author: Cheng ZJ
Title: Cytokinin and auxin regulates WUS induction and inflorescence regeneration in vitro in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2010
Journal: Plant Cell Rep
Volume: 29
Pages: 927-33
First Author: Uchida N
Title: Regulation of inflorescence architecture by intertissue layer ligand-receptor communication between endodermis and phloem.
Year: 2012
Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Volume: 109
Pages: 6337-42
First Author: Mattioli R
Title: Modulation of intracellular proline levels affects flowering time and inflorescence architecture in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2008
Journal: Plant Mol Biol
Volume: 66
Pages: 277-88
First Author: Cohen R
Title: The histone acetyltransferase GCN5 affects the inflorescence meristem and stamen development in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2009
Journal: Planta
Volume: 230
Pages: 1207-21
First Author: Sun LL
Title: GLABROUS INFLORESCENCE STEMS regulates trichome branching by genetically interacting with SIM in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2013
Journal: J Zhejiang Univ Sci B
Volume: 14
Pages: 563-9
First Author: Venglat SP
Title: The homeobox gene BREVIPEDICELLUS is a key regulator of inflorescence architecture in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2002
Journal: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Volume: 99
Pages: 4730-5
First Author: Liu C
Title: Phosphatidylserine synthase 1 is required for inflorescence meristem and organ development in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2013
Journal: J Integr Plant Biol
Volume: 55
Pages: 682-95
Length: 782  
Chromosome Location: Chr5: 2043419-2044200
Length: 865  
Chromosome Location: Chr1: 25829917-25830781
Length: 2405  
Chromosome Location: Chr2: 14589736-14592140
Organism . Short Name: A. thaliana
TAIR Computational Description: Protein kinase superfamily protein;(source:Araport11)
TAIR Curator Summary: Encodes a protein serine/threonine kinase that may act as a positive regulator of cellular auxin efflux, as a a binary switch for PIN polarity, and as a negative regulator of auxin signaling. Recessive mutants exhibit similar phenotypes as pin-formed mutants in flowers and inflorescence but distinct phenotypes in cotyledons and leaves. Expressed in the vascular tissue proximal to root and shoot meristems, shoot apex, and embryos. Expression is induced by auxin. Overexpression of the gene results in phenotypes in the root and shoot similar to those found in auxin-insensitive mutants. The protein physically interacts with TCH3 (TOUCH3) and PID-BINDING PROTEIN 1 (PBP1), a previously uncharacterized protein containing putative EF-hand calcium-binding motifs. Acts together with ENP (ENHANCER OF PINOID) to instruct precursor cells to elaborate cotyledons in the transition stage embryo. Interacts with PDK1. PID autophosphorylation is required for the ability of PID to phosphorylate an exogenous substrate. PID activation loop is required for PDK1-dependent PID phosphorylation and requires the PIF domain. Negative regulator of root hair growth. PID kinase activity is critical for the inhibition of root hair growth and for maintaining the proper subcellular localization of PID.
TAIR Short Description: Protein kinase superfamily protein
TAIR Aliases: ABR, PID
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: ERECTA signaling controls Arabidopsis inflorescence architecture through chromatin-mediated activation of PRE1 expression.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: ER
PubMed Id: 28295392
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: substantial effect on Arabidopsis shoot development, especially with respect to inflorescence architecture
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: UCH1
PubMed Id: 17559514
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: substantial effect on Arabidopsis shoot development, especially with respect to inflorescence architecture
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: UCH2
PubMed Id: 17559514
Interaction Experiment
Name: Kanrar S (2006)
Description: Arabidopsis inflorescence architecture requires the activities of KNOX-BELL homeodomain heterodimers.
First Author: Chatterjee M
Title: The boron efflux transporter ROTTEN EAR is required for maize inflorescence development and fertility.
Year: 2014
Journal: Plant Cell
Volume: 26
Pages: 2962-77
First Author: Maes T
Title: The inflorescence architecture of Petunia hybrida is modified by the Arabidopsis thaliana Ap2 gene.
Year: 1999
Journal: Dev Genet
Volume: 25
Pages: 199-208
First Author: Khan M
Title: Antagonistic interaction of BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 and 2 with BREVIPEDICELLUS and PENNYWISE regulates Arabidopsis inflorescence architecture.
Year: 2012
Journal: Plant Physiol
Volume: 158
Pages: 946-60
First Author: Hepworth SR
Title: UFO in the Arabidopsis inflorescence apex is required for floral-meristem identity and bract suppression.
Year: 2006
Journal: Planta
Volume: 223
Pages: 769-78
First Author: Bhargava A
Title: MYB75 functions in regulation of secondary cell wall formation in the Arabidopsis inflorescence stem.
Year: 2010
Journal: Plant Physiol
Volume: 154
Pages: 1428-38
First Author: KavaÄ­-ool UN
Title: [Interaction between the ABRUPTUS/PINOID and APETALA1 genes regulating the inflorescence development in Arabidopsis thaliana].
Year: 2010
Journal: Genetika
Volume: 46
Pages: 373-82
First Author: Barratt DH
Title: Callose synthase GSL7 is necessary for normal phloem transport and inflorescence growth in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2011
Journal: Plant Physiol
Volume: 155
Pages: 328-41
First Author: Hwang HJ
Title: Overexpression of EVE1, a novel ubiquitin family protein, arrests inflorescence stem development in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2011
Journal: J Exp Bot
Volume: 62
Pages: 4571-81
First Author: Chen S
Title: BIK1 and ERECTA Play Opposing Roles in Both Leaf and Inflorescence Development in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2019
Journal: Front Plant Sci
Volume: 10
Pages: 1480
First Author: Wang X
Title: Histone methyltransferase ATX1 dynamically regulates fiber secondary cell wall biosynthesis in Arabidopsis inflorescence stem.
Year: 2021
Journal: Nucleic Acids Res
Volume: 49
Pages: 190-205
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: 26S proteasome RPN2a gene and the REVOLUTA regulated inflorescence and floral meristem functions.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT2G32730
PubMed Id: 20797995
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: ATHB12 negatively regulates the expression of a gibberellin 20-oxidase gene in inflorescence stems.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: HB-12
PubMed Id: 20668225
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: 26S proteasome RPN2a gene and the REVOLUTA regulated inflorescence and floral meristem functions.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: REV
PubMed Id: 20797995
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: BFT has TFL1-like activity, and functions redundantly with TFL1 in inflorescence meristem development.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: BFT
PubMed Id: 20409005
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Histone methyltransferase ATX1 dynamically regulates fiber secondary cell wall biosynthesis in Arabidopsis inflorescence stem.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: ATX1
PubMed Id: 33332564
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Interaction between the ABRUPTUS/PINOID and APETALA1 genes regulating the inflorescence development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: PID
PubMed Id: 20391782
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The loss of BPC3 activity suppresses both the dwarfism and short primary inflorescence phenotypes.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: BPC3
PubMed Id: 21435046
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Interaction between the ABRUPTUS/PINOID and APETALA1 genes regulating the inflorescence development in Arabidopsis thaliana
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AP1
PubMed Id: 20391782
First Author: An L
Title: GLABROUS INFLORESCENCE STEMS (GIS) is required for trichome branching through gibberellic acid signaling in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2012
Journal: Plant Cell Physiol
Volume: 53
Pages: 457-69
First Author: Khan M
Title: BLADE-ON-PETIOLE1 and 2 regulate Arabidopsis inflorescence architecture in conjunction with homeobox genes KNAT6 and ATH1.
Year: 2012
Journal: Plant Signal Behav
Volume: 7
Pages: 788-92
First Author: Risseeuw E
Title: An activated form of UFO alters leaf development and produces ectopic floral and inflorescence meristems.
Year: 2013
Journal: PLoS One
Volume: 8
Pages: e83807
First Author: Stenvik GE
Title: Overexpression of INFLORESCENCE DEFICIENT IN ABSCISSION activates cell separation in vestigial abscission zones in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2006
Journal: Plant Cell
Volume: 18
Pages: 1467-76
First Author: Skirpan A
Title: BARREN INFLORESCENCE2 interaction with ZmPIN1a suggests a role in auxin transport during maize inflorescence development.
Year: 2009
Journal: Plant Cell Physiol
Volume: 50
Pages: 652-7
First Author: Saito C
Title: Amyloplasts and vacuolar membrane dynamics in the living graviperceptive cell of the Arabidopsis inflorescence stem.
Year: 2005
Journal: Plant Cell
Volume: 17
Pages: 548-58
Interaction Experiment
Name: Daviere JM (2014)
Description: Class I TCP-DELLA interactions in inflorescence shoot apex determine plant height.
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AGB1 and NDL1 positively regulate basipetal inflorescence auxin transport and modulate MAX2 expression in shoots.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: MAX2
PubMed Id: 24223735
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The specification of flower and inflorescence meristems requires the combined activities of FT-FD and STM.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: FD
PubMed Id: 20937733
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AGB1 and NDL1 positively regulate basipetal inflorescence auxin transport and modulate MAX2 expression in shoots.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: NDL1
PubMed Id: 24223735
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: KNAT6 and KNAT2 expression is restricted by BP and PNY to promote correct inflorescence development
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: KNAT6
PubMed Id: 18390591
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The specification of flower and inflorescence meristems requires the combined activities of FT-FD and STM.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: STM
PubMed Id: 20937733
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The specification of flower and inflorescence meristems requires the combined activities of FT-FD and STM.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: FT
PubMed Id: 20937733
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: GLABROUS INFLORESCENCE STEMS 3 (GIS3) is a key factor in regulating trichome development in Arabidopsis.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT1G68360
PubMed Id: 25640859
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: KNAT6 and KNAT2 expression is restricted by BP and PNY to promote correct inflorescence development
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: KNAT2
PubMed Id: 18390591
Protein Domain
Protein Domain
First Author: Gan Y
Title: GLABROUS INFLORESCENCE STEMS modulates the regulation by gibberellins of epidermal differentiation and shoot maturation in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2006
Journal: Plant Cell
Volume: 18
Pages: 1383-95
First Author: Baron KN
Title: GEm-Related 5 (GER5), an ABA and stress-responsive GRAM domain protein regulating seed development and inflorescence architecture.
Year: 2014
Journal: Plant Sci
Volume: 223
Pages: 153-66
First Author: Kawanabe T
Title: Inflorescence abnormalities occur with overexpression of Arabidopsis lyrata FT in the fwa mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana.
Year: 2011
Journal: Plant Sci
Volume: 181
Pages: 496-503
First Author: Yamamoto K
Title: Reduced gravitropism in inflorescence stems and hypocotyls, but not roots, of Arabidopsis mutants with large plastids.
Year: 2002
Journal: Physiol Plant
Volume: 114
Pages: 627-636
First Author: Lam P
Title: The exosome and trans-acting small interfering RNAs regulate cuticular wax biosynthesis during Arabidopsis inflorescence stem development.
Year: 2015
Journal: Plant Physiol
Volume: 167
Pages: 323-36
First Author: Lai C
Title: Composition of alkyl esters in the cuticular wax on inflorescence stems of Arabidopsis thaliana cer mutants.
Year: 2007
Journal: Plant J
Volume: 50
Pages: 189-96
First Author: Xu L
Title: Overexpression of the Novel Arabidopsis Gene At5g02890 Alters Inflorescence Stem Wax Composition and Affects Phytohormone Homeostasis.
Year: 2017
Journal: Front Plant Sci
Volume: 8
Pages: 68
First Author: Prunet N
Title: My favourite flowering image: an Arabidopsis inflorescence expressing fluorescent reporters for the APETALA3 and SUPERMAN genes.
Year: 2019
Journal: J Exp Bot
Volume: 70
Pages: e6499-e6501
Interaction Experiment
Name: Li Y (2011)
Description: ATH1 and KNAT2 proteins act together in regulation of plant inflorescence architecture.
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: My favourite flowering image: an Arabidopsis inflorescence expressing fluorescent reporters for the APETALA3 and SUPERMAN genes.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: SUP
PubMed Id: 29659996
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: glucosinolate can specifically translocate from rosette and roots to inflorescence in a GTR1- and GTR2-dependent manner
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: GTR1
PubMed Id: 24481282
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: My favourite flowering image: an Arabidopsis inflorescence expressing fluorescent reporters for the APETALA3 and SUPERMAN genes.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AP3
PubMed Id: 29659996
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: data showed that BP and PNY restrict KNAT6 and KNAT2 expression to promote correct inflorescence development
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: KNAT1
PubMed Id: 18390591
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: data showed that BP and PNY restrict KNAT6 and KNAT2 expression to promote correct inflorescence development
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RPL
PubMed Id: 18390591
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: glucosinolate can specifically translocate from rosette and roots to inflorescence in a GTR1- and GTR2-dependent manner
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: GTR2
PubMed Id: 24481282
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Regulation of ATHB15 in a mutatnt A. thaliana that affects vascular cell differentiation and inflorescence elongation.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: ATHB-15
PubMed Id: 15773855
Length: 3234  
Chromosome Location: Chr3: 19188844-19192161
First Author: Sugimoto H
Title: Overexpression of a novel Arabidopsis PP2C isoform, AtPP2CF1, enhances plant biomass production by increasing inflorescence stem growth.
Year: 2014
Journal: J Exp Bot
Volume: 65
Pages: 5385-400
First Author: Orfila C
Title: QUASIMODO1 is expressed in vascular tissue of Arabidopsis thaliana inflorescence stems, and affects homogalacturonan and xylan biosynthesis.
Year: 2005
Journal: Planta
Volume: 222
Pages: 613-22
First Author: Kagawa T
Title: Blue light-induced phototropism of inflorescence stems and petioles is mediated by phototropin family members phot1 and phot2.
Year: 2009
Journal: Plant Cell Physiol
Volume: 50
Pages: 1774-85
First Author: Andersen TG
Title: Upon bolting the GTR1 and GTR2 transporters mediate transport of glucosinolates to the inflorescence rather than roots.
Year: 2014
Journal: Plant Signal Behav
Volume: 9
Pages: e27740
First Author: Dong Z
Title: Maize LAZY1 mediates shoot gravitropism and inflorescence development through regulating auxin transport, auxin signaling, and light response.
Year: 2013
Journal: Plant Physiol
Volume: 163
Pages: 1306-22
First Author: Hanano S
Title: Arabidopsis TERMINAL FLOWER1 is involved in the regulation of flowering time and inflorescence development through transcriptional repression.
Year: 2011
Journal: Plant Cell
Volume: 23
Pages: 3172-84
First Author: Mandel MA
Title: The Arabidopsis AGL8 MADS box gene is expressed in inflorescence meristems and is negatively regulated by APETALA1.
Year: 1995
Journal: Plant Cell
Volume: 7
Pages: 1763-71
First Author: Morita MT
Title: A C2H2-type zinc finger protein, SGR5, is involved in early events of gravitropism in Arabidopsis inflorescence stems.
Year: 2006
Journal: Plant J
Volume: 47
Pages: 619-28
First Author: Hyodo H
Title: Systematic isolation of highly transcribed genes in inflorescence apices in Arabidopsis thaliana from an equalized cDNA library.
Year: 2000
Journal: Biosci Biotechnol Biochem
Volume: 64
Pages: 1538-41
First Author: Vadde BVL
Title: The TCP4 transcription factor regulates trichome cell differentiation by directly activating GLABROUS INFLORESCENCE STEMS in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Year: 2018
Journal: Plant J
Volume: 93
Pages: 259-269
First Author: Shitsukawa N
Title: WFL, a wheat FLORICAULA/LEAFY ortholog, is associated with spikelet formation as lateral branch of the inflorescence meristem.
Year: 2006
Journal: Genes Genet Syst
Volume: 81
Pages: 13-20
First Author: Kim JY
Title: High temperature attenuates the gravitropism of inflorescence stems by inducing SHOOT GRAVITROPISM 5 alternative splicing in Arabidopsis.
Year: 2016
Journal: New Phytol
Volume: 209
Pages: 265-79
First Author: Sato A
Title: Light-dependent gravitropism and negative phototropism of inflorescence stems in a dominant Aux/IAA mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, axr2.
Year: 2014
Journal: J Plant Res
Volume: 127
Pages: 627-39
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: BOP1/BOP2 activity is required for multiple cell differentiation events in the proximal regions of inflorescence lateral organs.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: BOP2
PubMed Id: 18339677
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: BOP1/BOP2 activity is required for multiple cell differentiation events in the proximal regions of inflorescence lateral organs.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: BOP1
PubMed Id: 18339677
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: LFY and AGL15 are involved in the regulation of AtMYB17 in early inflorescence development and seed germination.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: MYB17
PubMed Id: 19232308
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: LFY and AGL15 are involved in the regulation of AtMYB17 in early inflorescence development and seed germination.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AGL15
PubMed Id: 19232308
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Ectopic LATE expression leads to delayed flowering, repression of inflorescence growth, and to sterile and incomplete flowers.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: LATE
PubMed Id: 21771123
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: LFY and AGL15 are involved in the regulation of AtMYB17 in early inflorescence development and seed germination.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: LFY
PubMed Id: 19232308