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Category: GOTerm
Type Details Score
GO Term
Description: A hetero-hexameric complex of 2 membrane proteins, A and B, with stoichiometry A4B2. The A and B proteins form a channel through which flow the ions that power the bacterial-type flagellum. They form the stator, or nonrotating portion, of the flagellum motor with the B protein apparently attached to the peptidoglycan cell wall. Examples include the H+ driven MotA-MotB stator complex of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica, and the Na+ driven PomA-PomB stator complex of Vibrio and Shewanella species.
GO Term
Description: The appearance of amphiregulin due to biosynthesis or secretion following a cellular stimulus, resulting in an increase in its intracellular or extracellular levels. Amphiregulin (AREG) is a ligand of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), a widely expressed transmembrane tyrosine kinase. AREG is synthesized as a membrane-anchored precursor protein that can engage in juxtacrine signaling on adjacent cells. Alternatively, after proteolytic processing by cell membrane proteases, mainly TACE/ADAM17, AREG is secreted and behaves as an autocrine or paracrine factor.
GO Term
Description: The vesicular release of glycine from a presynapse, across a chemical synapse, the subsequent activation of glycine receptors at the postsynapse of a target cell (neuron, muscle, or secretory cell) and the effects of this activation on the postsynaptic membrane potential and ionic composition of the postsynaptic cytosol. This process encompasses both spontaneous and evoked release of neurotransmitter and all parts of synaptic vesicle exocytosis. Evoked transmission starts with the arrival of an action potential at the presynapse.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of a ribosomal large subunit from the nucleus into the cytoplasm.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of a ribosomal small subunit from the nucleus into the cytoplasm.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate, or extent of leukocyte mediated immunity.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of leukocyte mediated cytotoxicity.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of ribosomal subunit export from nucleus.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of ribosomal subunit export from nucleus.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a singlet oxygen stimulus. Singlet oxygen is a dioxygen (O2) molecule in which two 2p electrons have similar spin. Singlet oxygen is more highly reactive than the form in which these electrons are of opposite spin, and it is produced in mutant chloroplasts lacking carotenoids and by leukocytes during metabolic burst.
GO Term
Description: The cellular metabolic process in which a cell duplicates one or more molecules of DNA. DNA replication begins when specific sequences, known as origins of replication, are recognized and bound by the origin recognition complex, and ends when the original DNA molecule has been completely duplicated and the copies topologically separated. The unit of replication usually corresponds to the genome of the cell, an organelle, or a virus. The template for replication can either be an existing DNA molecule or RNA.
GO Term
Description: The vesicular release of classical neurotransmitter molecules from a presynapse, across a chemical synapse, the subsequent activation of neurotransmitter receptors at the postsynapse of a target cell (neuron, muscle, or secretory cell) and the effects of this activation on the postsynaptic membrane potential and ionic composition of the postsynaptic cytosol. This process encompasses both spontaneous and evoked release of neurotransmitter and all parts of synaptic vesicle exocytosis. Evoked transmission starts with the arrival of an action potential at the presynapse.
GO Term
Description: The process of transporting IgG immunoglobulin, via transcytosis using the FcRn (also known as the neonatal Fc receptor; gene name FCGRT), from apical surface of an epithelial cell to the basolateral surface or vice versa depending on the location. This process is used for uptake of IgG from the milk in the gut in rodents, for transplacental transport of IgG from mother to embryo in humans, and for maintenance of a steady-state distribution of IgG across epithelial boundaries in general in adult mammals.
GO Term
Description: The fibrous, electron-dense layer lying on the nucleoplasmic side of the inner membrane of a cell nucleus, composed of lamin filaments. The polypeptides of the lamina are thought to be concerned in the dissolution of the nuclear envelope and its re-formation during mitosis. The lamina is composed of lamin A and lamin C filaments cross-linked into an orthogonal lattice, which is attached via lamin B to the inner nuclear membrane through interactions with a lamin B receptor, an IFAP, in the membrane.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving a cell wall arabinogalactan II glycoprotein, which is composed of a group of core protein of highly varying length and domain complexity. These are O-glycosylated at one or more hydroxyproline residues by arabinogalactan (AG) type II groups, which consist of (1->3)-beta-galactan and (1->6)-beta-linked galactan chains connected to each other by (1->3,1->6)-linked branch points, O-3 and O-6 positions substituted with terminal arabinosyl residues. Also, rhamnose, fucose, glucuronic and galacturonic acid can be present in the glycan structures.
GO Term
Description: The pathway in which formaldehyde is used as a carbon source in the ribulose monophosphate cycle. Methanotrophic bacteria produce formaldehyde from the oxidation of methane and methanol, and then assimilate it via the ribulose monophosphate cycle to form intermediates of the central metabolic routes that are subsequently used for biosynthesis of cell material. Three molecules of formaldehyde are assimilated, forming a three-carbon intermediate of central metabolism; in this pathway, all cellular carbon is assimilated at the oxidation level of formaldehyde.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a corticosteroid hormone stimulus. A corticosteroid is a steroid hormone that is produced in the adrenal cortex. Corticosteroids are involved in a wide range of physiologic systems such as stress response, immune response and regulation of inflammation, carbohydrate metabolism, protein catabolism, blood electrolyte levels, and behavior. They include glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids.
GO Term
Description: The vesicular release of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). from a presynapse, across a chemical synapse, the subsequent activation of GABA receptors at the postsynapse of a target cell (neuron, muscle, or secretory cell) and the effects of this activation on the postsynaptic membrane potential and ionic composition of the postsynaptic cytosol. This process encompasses both spontaneous and evoked release of neurotransmitter and all parts of synaptic vesicle exocytosis. Evoked transmission starts with the arrival of an action potential at the presynapse.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a leptin stimulus. Leptin is a hormone manufactured primarily in the adipocytes of white adipose tissue, and the level of circulating leptin is directly proportional to the total amount of fat in the body. It plays a key role in regulating energy intake and energy expenditure, including appetite and metabolism].
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a laminar fluid shear stress stimulus. Laminar fluid flow is the force acting on an object in a system where the fluid is moving across a solid surface in parallel layers. As an example, laminar shear stress can be seen where blood flows against the luminal side of blood vessel walls.
GO Term
Description: A type of Wnt signaling pathway in which Wnt binding to its receptor on the surface of a target cell results in the by propagation of the molecular signals via beta-catenin, and end with a change in transcription of target genes. In this pathway, the activated receptor signals via downstream effectors that result in the inhibition of beta-catenin phosphorylation, thereby preventing degradation of beta-catenin. Stabilized beta-catenin can then accumulate and travel to the nucleus to trigger changes in transcription of target genes.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a gamma radiation stimulus. Gamma radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) or light emission of a specific frequency produced from sub-atomic particle interaction, such as electron-positron annihilation and radioactive decay. Gamma rays are generally characterized as EMR having the highest frequency and energy, and also the shortest wavelength, within the electromagnetic radiation spectrum.
GO Term
Description: A G protein-coupled acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway that contributes to a decrease in frequency or rate of heart contraction. Binding of acetylcholine to a G protein-coupled (muscarinic) receptor on the surface of the signal-receiving cell results in the alpha subunit of a coupled G-protein binding to GTP. This results in the separation of the beta-gamma complex from the alpha subunit. Both the alpha subunit, and the beta-gamma complex can continue to signal to bring about membrane hyperpolarization and a reduction in heart rate.
GO Term
Description: The physiological and developmental changes that occur in a conidium or asexual spore following release from dormancy up to the earliest signs of development such as swelling of conidia, adhesion and nuclear decondensation followed by hyphal growth several hours later. In many genera of plant pathogenic fungi (e.g. Magnaporthe, Colletotrichum, Ustilago), swelling of the hyphal tips to form appressorium, metabolic activities including respiration, RNA and protein synthesis and trehalose breakdown and changes in cell wall composition can be detected in conidium germination.
GO Term
Description: An intracellular compartmentalized cilium structure found in insect spermatids which is bounded by a membrane derived from the invagination of the cell membrane that remains associated with the primary cilium as it is internalized. The ciliary cap is maintained at the end of the axoneme distal to the centriole and is separated from the cytosolic axoneme/cytoplasm by a putative transition zone, which may extend into the ciliary cap, and include a structure at the base of the ciliary cap termed the ring centriole.
GO Term
Description: Entry of a symbiont into the body, tissues, or cells of a host organism as part of the symbiont life cycle. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction.
GO Term
Description: The cell cycle process in which genetic information is transferred from one helix to another. It often occurs in association with general genetic recombination events, and is believed to be a straightforward consequence of the mechanisms of general recombination and DNA repair. For example, meiosis might yield three copies of the maternal version of an allele and only one copy of the paternal allele, indicating that one of the two copies of the paternal allele has been changed to a copy of the maternal allele.
GO Term
Description: A microfibril composed of cellulose arranged in orthogonal layers. Cellulose is a straight chain polysaccharide composed of B(14) linked glucose subunits. It is a major component of plant cell walls. Higher plant microfibrils are about 10nm in diameter and extremely long in relation to their width. The cellulose molecules are oriented parallel to the long axis of the microfibril in a paracrystalline array, which provides great tensile strength. The microfibrils are held in place by the wall matrix and their orientation is closely controlled by the cell.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a gamma radiation stimulus. Gamma radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) or light emission of a specific frequency produced from sub-atomic particle interaction, such as electron-positron annihilation and radioactive decay. Gamma rays are generally characterized as EMR having the highest frequency and energy, and also the shortest wavelength, within the electromagnetic radiation spectrum.
GO Term
Description: A transition where a cardiac endothelial cell loses apical/basolateral polarity, severs intercellular adhesive junctions, degrades basement membrane components and becomes a migratory mesenchymal cell. Endocardial cells (specialized endothelial cells that line the heart) undergo EndMT, and give rise to mesenchymal cells necessary for proper heart development. EndMT, specifically generates valve progenitor cells that give rise to the mitral and tricuspid valves. EndMT also contributes to endocardial cushion formation, as well as to generation of cardiac fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells, but not cardiac myocytes.
GO Term
Description: A process in which a symbiont alters or subverts a biological process in its host organism. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction.
GO Term
Description: The process in which a virus effects a change in the structure or processes of its host organism.
GO Term
Description: A signal transduction process that contributes to a mitotic DNA replication checkpoint.
GO Term
Description: The directed movement of zinc(2+) ions from outside of a cell, across the plasma membrane and into the cytosol.
GO Term
Description: A filamentous structure formed of a two-stranded helical polymer of the protein actin and associated proteins. Actin filaments are a major component of the contractile apparatus of skeletal muscle and the microfilaments of the cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells. The filaments, comprising polymerized globular actin molecules, appear as flexible structures with a diameter of 5-9 nm. They are organized into a variety of linear bundles, two-dimensional networks, and three dimensional gels. In the cytoskeleton they are most highly concentrated in the cortex of the cell just beneath the plasma membrane.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchors, molecular mechanisms for attaching membrane proteins to the lipid bilayer of cell membranes. Structurally they consist of a molecule of phosphatidylinositol to which is linked, via the C-6 hydroxyl of the inositol, a carbohydrate chain. This chain is in turn linked to the protein through an ethanolamine phosphate group, the amino group of which is in amide linkage with the C-terminal carboxyl of the protein chain, the phosphate group being esterified to the C-6 hydroxyl of the terminal mannose of the core carbohydrate chain.
GO Term
Description: The chemical reactions and pathways involving hemicelluloses, plant cell wall polysaccharides that have a backbone of 1,4-linked beta-D-pyranosyl residues in which O4 is in the equatorial orientation. Many different hemicelluloses usually occur intermixed with each molecular type representing different degrees of polymerization and contain many different sugar monomers, which can include glucose, xylose, mannose, galactose, and arabinose. Hemicelluloses also contain most of the D-pentose sugars and occasionally small amounts of L-sugars as well. Xylose is always the sugar monomer present in the largest amount, but mannuronic acid and galacturonic acid also tend to be present.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of the detection of a low fluence blue light stimulus by the blue low-fluence system. Blue light is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of between 440 and 500nm. The blue low-fluence system responds to blue light at or below 0.1 micromols/m2. In certain species excitation of the blue low fluence system induces the transcription of a number of nuclear and plastid coded genes.
GO Term
Description: Thin filamentous structure extending from the surface of all plastid types examined so far, including chloroplast, proplastid, etioplast, leucoplast, amyloplast, and chromoplast. In general, stromules are more abundant in tissues containing non-green plastids, and in cells containing smaller plastids. The primary function of stromules is still unresolved, although the presence of stromules markedly increases the plastid surface area, potentially increasing transport to and from the cytosol. Other functions of stromules, such as transfer of macromolecules between plastids and starch granule formation in cereal endosperm, may be restricted to particular tissues and cell types.
GO Term
Description: The cell cycle process in which genetic material, in the form of chromosomes, is organized and then physically separated and apportioned to two or more sets during a normally chiasmate meiosis under the condition that chiasma have not occurred between a particular pair of homologs. Distributive segregation is a backup mechanism to ensure the segregation of homologs that have failed to cross over - either as a consequence of mutation or not, as, for example, the 4th chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster (which never exchanges, presumably due to its small size) - but nevertheless segregate normally.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a cortisone stimulus. Cortisone is a natural glucocorticoid steroid hormone that is metabolically convertible to cortisol. Cortisone is synthesized from cholesterol in the cortex of the adrenal gland under the stimulation of adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH). The main physiological effect of cortisone is on carbohydrate metabolism; it can stimulate increased glucose release from the liver, increased liver glycogen synthesis, and decreased utilization of glucose by the tissues.
GO Term
Description: The assembly by the symbiont of a threadlike, tubular structure, which may contain multiple nuclei and may or may not be divided internally by septa or cross-walls, for the purpose of penetration into its host organism. In the case of an appressorium existing, this term is defined in further details as the process in which the symbiont penetration peg expands to form a hypha which traverses the epidermal cell and emerges into the intercellular space of the mesophyll tissue. The host is defined as the larger of the organisms involved in a symbiotic interaction.
GO Term
Description: A bacterial transmembrane transporter complex that spans the entire cell membrane system and possesses ATP-dependent xenobiotic transport activity pumping drugs (typically antibiotics) and other toxins directly from the cytosol out of the bacterial cell. Typically, it is trimeric consisting of a inner membrane ATPase (IMP), a periplasmic membrane fusion protein (MFP) and an outer membrane factor (OMF). In E. coli, macrolide transporter complexes may consists of MacB (IMP), MacA (MFP) and TolC (OMF) or AcrB (IMP), AcrA (MFP) and TolC (OMF). Trimeric TolC is a common OMF found in many macrolide transporter complexes.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the movement of proteins from the cytoplasm into the nucleus.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the movement of RNA from the cytoplasm into the nucleus.
GO Term
Description: The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the nematode larva over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Nematode larval development begins with the newly hatched first-stage larva (L1) and ends with the end of the last larval stage (for example the fourth larval stage (L4) in C. elegans). Each stage of nematode larval development is characterized by proliferation of specific cell lineages and an increase in body size without alteration of the basic body plan. Nematode larval stages are separated by molts in which each stage-specific exoskeleton, or cuticle, is shed and replaced anew.
GO Term
Description: A cytoskeletal structure composed of actin filaments, myosin, and myosin-associated proteins that forms beneath the plasma membrane of many cells, including animal cells and yeast cells, in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the meiotic spindle, i.e. the cell division plane. Ring contraction is associated with centripetal growth of the membrane that divides the cytoplasm of the two future daughter cells. In animal cells, the meiotic contractile ring is located inside the plasma membrane at the location of the cleavage furrow. In fungal cells, the meiotic contractile ring forms beneath the plasma membrane of the prospore envelope in preparation for completing cytokinesis.
GO Term
Description: The cell cycle process in which two small cells are generated, as byproducts destined to degenerate, as a result of the first and second meiotic divisions of a primary oocyte during its development to a mature ovum. One polar body is formed in the first division of meiosis and the other in the second division; at each division, the cytoplasm divides unequally, so that the polar body is of much smaller size than the developing oocyte. At the second division in which a polar body is formed, the polar body and the developing oocyte each contain a haploid set of chromosomes.
GO Term
Description: An axon arising from cerebellar projecting cells in the cochlea, vestibular nuclei, spinal cord, reticular formation, cerebellar nuclei and basilar pontine nuclei. Mossy fibers enter through all three cerebellar peduncles and send collaterals to the deep cerebellar nuclei, then branch in the white matter and terminate in the granule cell layer. Through this branching, a given mossy fiber can innervate several folia. Mossy fibers synapse on granule cells. The synaptic contacts are made at enlargements along the length of the mossy fiber called mossy fiber rosettes. The enlargements of the rosettes give the axons a mossy-looking appearance in Golgi stained preparations.
GO Term
Description: The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the sympathetic nervous system over time, from its formation to the mature structure. The sympathetic nervous system is one of the two divisions of the vertebrate autonomic nervous system (the other being the parasympathetic nervous system). The sympathetic preganglionic neurons have their cell bodies in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord and connect to the paravertebral chain of sympathetic ganglia. Innervate heart and blood vessels, sweat glands, viscera and the adrenal medulla. Most sympathetic neurons, but not all, use noradrenaline as a post-ganglionic neurotransmitter.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a cortisone stimulus. Cortisone is a natural glucocorticoid steroid hormone that is metabolically convertible to cortisol. Cortisone is synthesized from cholesterol in the cortex of the adrenal gland under the stimulation of adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH). The main physiological effect of cortisone is on carbohydrate metabolism; it can stimulate increased glucose release from the liver, increased liver glycogen synthesis, and decreased utilization of glucose by the tissues.
GO Term
Description: The process in which a virus effects a change in the processes and activities of its host organism.
GO Term
Description: Binding to NFAT (nuclear factor of activated T cells) proteins, a family of transcription factors. NFAT proteins have crucial roles in the development and function of the immune system.
GO Term
Description: Any process in which a protein is maintained in the nucleus and prevented from moving elsewhere. These include sequestration within the nucleus, protein stabilization to prevent transport elsewhere and the active retrieval of proteins that escape the nucleus.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of ribosomal large subunit export from nucleus.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the frequency, rate or extent of ribosomal small subunit export from nucleus.
GO Term
Description: A cytoskeletal structure composed of actin filaments, myosin, and myosin-associated proteins that forms beneath the plasma membrane of many cells, including animal cells and yeast cells, in a plane perpendicular to the axis of the mitotic spindle, i.e. the cell division plane. Ring contraction is associated with centripetal growth of the membrane that divides the cytoplasm of the two future daughter cells. In animal cells, the mitotic contractile ring is located inside the plasma membrane at the location of the cleavage furrow. In budding fungal cells, e.g. mitotic S. cerevisiae cells, the mitotic contractile ring forms beneath the plasma membrane at the mother-bud neck before mitosis.
GO Term
Description: The process whose specific outcome is the progression of an embryo from its formation until the end of its embryonic life stage. The end of the embryonic stage is organism-specific. For example, for mammals, the process would begin with zygote formation and end with birth. For insects, the process would begin at zygote formation and end with larval hatching. For plant zygotic embryos, this would be from zygote formation to the end of seed dormancy. For plant vegetative embryos, this would be from the initial determination of the cell or group of cells to form an embryo until the point when the embryo becomes independent of the parent plant.
GO Term
Description: A process of secretion by a cell that results in the release of intracellular molecules (e.g. hormones, matrix proteins) contained within a membrane-bounded vesicle. Exocytosis can occur either by full fusion, when the vesicle collapses into the plasma membrane, or by a kiss-and-run mechanism that involves the formation of a transient contact, a pore, between a granule (for example of chromaffin cells) and the plasma membrane. The latter process most of the time leads to only partial secretion of the granule content. Exocytosis begins with steps that prepare vesicles for fusion with the membrane (tethering and docking) and ends when molecules are secreted from the cell.
GO Term
Description: Any process that decreases the rate, frequency, or extent of nematode larval development, the process whose specific outcome is the progression of the nematode larva over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Nematode larval development begins with the newly hatched first-stage larva (L1) and ends with the end of the last larval stage (for example the fourth larval stage (L4) in C. elegans). Each stage of nematode larval development is characterized by proliferation of specific cell lineages and an increase in body size without alteration of the basic body plan. Nematode larval stages are separated by molts in which each stage-specific exoskeleton, or cuticle, is shed and replaced anew.
GO Term
Description: Any process that modulates the rate, frequency, or extent of nematode larval development, the process whose specific outcome is the progression of the nematode larva over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Nematode larval development begins with the newly hatched first-stage larva (L1) and ends with the end of the last larval stage (for example the fourth larval stage (L4) in C. elegans). Each stage of nematode larval development is characterized by proliferation of specific cell lineages and an increase in body size without alteration of the basic body plan. Nematode larval stages are separated by molts in which each stage-specific exoskeleton, or cuticle, is shed and replaced anew.
GO Term
Description: A protein complex that has aspartic-type endopeptidase activity and contains a presenilin catalytic subunit (either PSEN1 or PSEN2), an APH1 subunit (multiple genes and splice variants exist), nicastrin (NCT), and presenilin enhancer (aka PEN-2 or Psenen), as the core complex. Variants of the complex with different subunit compositions differ in localization and specific substrates. Additionally, variants of the complex exist that contain a additional regulatory subunit as well as the four core subunits; known regulatory subunits include gamma-secretase-activating protein (aka gSAP), TMP1 (aka TMED10), and CD147 antigen (aka basigin). Gamma-secretase cleaves type I transmembrane protein substrates, including the cell surface receptor Notch and the amyloid-beta precursor protein.
GO Term
Description: Any process that increases the rate, frequency, or extent of nematode larval development, the process whose specific outcome is the progression of the nematode larva over time, from its formation to the mature structure. Nematode larval development begins with the newly hatched first-stage larva (L1) and ends with the end of the last larval stage (for example the fourth larval stage (L4) in C. elegans). Each stage of nematode larval development is characterized by proliferation of specific cell lineages and an increase in body size without alteration of the basic body plan. Nematode larval stages are separated by molts in which each stage-specific exoskeleton, or cuticle, is shed and replaced anew.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of movement of proteins from the cytoplasm into the nucleus.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of movement of RNA from the cytoplasm into the nucleus.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of proteins from the nucleus into the cytoplasm.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of the directed movement of RNA from the nucleus into the cytoplasm.
GO Term
Description: A cholecystokinin signaling pathway that results in positive regulation of pancreatic amylase secretion.
GO Term
Description: The process whose specific outcome is the progression of the ventral midline over time, from its formation to the mature structure. In protostomes (such as insects, snails and worms) as well as deuterostomes (vertebrates), the midline is an embryonic region that functions in patterning of the adjacent nervous tissue. The ventral midline in insects is a cell population extending along the ventral surface of the embryo and is the region from which cells detach to form the ventrally located nerve cords. In vertebrates, the midline is originally located dorsally. During development, it folds inwards and becomes the ventral part of the dorsally located neural tube and is then called the ventral midline, or floor plate.
GO Term
Description: Cytoplasmic, ball-like inclusion resembling a nucleolus and consisting of a convoluted network of electron-opaque strands embedded in a less dense matrix. It measures approximately 0.9 microns and lacks a limiting membrane. Its strands (diameter = 400-600 A) appear to be made of an entanglement of tightly packed filaments and particles approximately 25-50 A thick. Cytochemical studies suggest the presence of nonhistone proteins and some RNA. Usually only one such structure is present in a cell, and it appears to occur in most ganglion cells. Although they can be seen anywhere in the cell body, nematosomes are typically located in the perinuclear cytoplasm, where they are often associated with smooth-surfaced and coated vesicles.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of ribosomal large subunit export from nucleus.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of ribosomal large subunit export from nucleus.
GO Term
Description: Any process that stops, prevents, or reduces the frequency, rate or extent of ribosomal small subunit export from nucleus.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of ribosomal small subunit export from nucleus.
GO Term
Description: The cellular process in which a signal is conveyed to trigger a change in the activity or state of a cell. Signal transduction begins with reception of a signal (e.g. a ligand binding to a receptor or receptor activation by a stimulus such as light), or for signal transduction in the absence of ligand, signal-withdrawal or the activity of a constitutively active receptor. Signal transduction ends with regulation of a downstream cellular process, e.g. regulation of transcription or regulation of a metabolic process. Signal transduction covers signaling from receptors located on the surface of the cell and signaling via molecules located within the cell. For signaling between cells, signal transduction is restricted to events at and within the receiving cell.
GO Term
Description: Combining with a chemokine, and transmitting the signal from one side of the membrane to the other to initiate a change in cell activity. Chemokines are a family of small chemotactic cytokines; their name is derived from their ability to induce directed chemotaxis in nearby responsive cells. All chemokines possess a number of conserved cysteine residues involved in intramolecular disulfide bond formation. Some chemokines are considered pro-inflammatory and can be induced during an immune response to recruit cells of the immune system to a site of infection, while others are considered homeostatic and are involved in controlling the migration of cells during normal processes of tissue maintenance or development. Chemokines are found in all vertebrates, some viruses and some bacteria.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of directed movement of proteins from the nucleus into the cytoplasm.
GO Term
Description: Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of directed movement of RNA from the nucleus into the cytoplasm.
GO Term
Description: A cellular structure that is the site of a developing centriole, which will become a microtubule organizing center. During the canonical pathway of centriole duplication that occurs during the cell division cycle, procentrioles grow at the proximal ends of both mother and daughter centrioles. In the newly divided cells, the original mother and daughter centrioles become mother centrioles while the procentrioles become the new daughter centrioles. Procentrioles can also arise from de novo pathways that occur in multiciliated cells. In ciliated epithelial cells, numerous procentrioles arise form electron dense material referred to as fibrous granules and deuterosomes. The pathway of procentriole formation in multiciliated protists appears to be similar to that in mammalian multiciliated epithelium. In sperm of primitive land plants, multiple procentrioles are formed from a blepharoplast giving rise to multicilated sperm cells.
GO Term
Description: An immune response mediated by lymphocytes expressing specific receptors for antigen produced through a somatic diversification process that includes somatic recombination of germline gene segments encoding immunoglobulin superfamily domains. Recombined receptors for antigen encoded by immunoglobulin superfamily domains include T cell receptors and immunoglobulins (antibodies) produced by B cells. The first encounter with antigen elicits a primary immune response that is slow and not of great magnitude. T and B cells selected by antigen become activated and undergo clonal expansion. A fraction of antigen-reactive T and B cells become memory cells, whereas others differentiate into effector cells. The memory cells generated during the primary response enable a much faster and stronger secondary immune response upon subsequent exposures to the same antigen (immunological memory). An example of this is the adaptive immune response found in Mus musculus.
GO Term
Description: A small amount of cytoplasm surrounded by a cell membrane that is generally retained in spermatozoa after spermiogenesis, when the majority of the cytoplasm is phagocytosed by Sertoli cells to produce what are called residual bodies. Initially, the droplet is located at the neck just behind the head of an elongated spermatid. During epididymal transit, the cytoplasmic droplet migrates caudally to the annulus at the end of the midpiece; the exact position and time varies by species. The cytoplasmic droplet consists of lipids, lipoproteins, RNAs, a variety of hydrolytic enzymes, receptors, ion channels, and Golgi-derived vesicles. The droplet may be involved in regulatory volume loss (RVD) at ejaculation, and in most species, though not in humans, the cytoplasmic droplet is lost at ejaculation. Note that the cytoplasmic droplet is distinct from 'excessive residual cytoplasm' that sometimes remains in epididymal spermatozoa, particularly when spermiogenesis has been disrupted.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a red light stimulus. Red light is electromagnetic radiation of wavelength of 580-700nm. An example of this response is seen at the beginning of many plant species developmental stages. These include germination, and the point when cotyledon expansion is triggered. In certain species these processes take place in response to absorption of red light by the pigment molecule phytochrome, but the signal can be reversed by exposure to far red light. During the initial phase the phytochrome molecule is only present in the red light absorbing form, but on absorption of red light it changes to a far red light absorbing form, triggering progress through development. An immediate short period of exposure to far red light entirely returns the pigment to its initial state and prevents triggering of the developmental process. A thirty minute break between red and subsequent far red light exposure renders the red light effect irreversible, and development then occurs regardless of whether far red light exposure subsequently occurs.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of far red light stimulus. Far red light is electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 700-800nm. An example of this response is seen at the beginning of many plant species developmental stages. These include germination, and the point when cotyledon expansion is triggered. In certain species these processes take place in response to absorption of red light by the pigment molecule phytochrome, but the signal can be reversed by exposure to far red light. During the initial phase the phytochrome molecule is only present in the red light absorbing form, but on absorption of red light it changes to a far red light absorbing form, triggering progress through development. An immediate short period of exposure to far red light entirely returns the pigment to its initial state and prevents triggering of the developmental process. A thirty minute break between red and subsequent far red light exposure renders the red light effect irreversible, and development then occurs regardless of whether far red light exposure subsequently occurs.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of far red light stimulus. Far red light is electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 700-800nm. An example of this response is seen at the beginning of many plant species developmental stages. These include germination, and the point when cotyledon expansion is triggered. In certain species these processes take place in response to absorption of red light by the pigment molecule phytochrome, but the signal can be reversed by exposure to far red light. During the initial phase the phytochrome molecule is only present in the red light absorbing form, but on absorption of red light it changes to a far red light absorbing form, triggering progress through development. An immediate short period of exposure to far red light entirely returns the pigment to its initial state and prevents triggering of the developmental process. A thirty minute break between red and subsequent far red light exposure renders the red light effect irreversible, and development then occurs regardless of whether far red light exposure subsequently occurs.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a red light stimulus. Red light is electromagnetic radiation of wavelength of 580-700nm. An example of this response is seen at the beginning of many plant species developmental stages. These include germination, and the point when cotyledon expansion is triggered. In certain species these processes take place in response to absorption of red light by the pigment molecule phytochrome, but the signal can be reversed by exposure to far red light. During the initial phase the phytochrome molecule is only present in the red light absorbing form, but on absorption of red light it changes to a far red light absorbing form, triggering progress through development. An immediate short period of exposure to far red light entirely returns the pigment to its initial state and prevents triggering of the developmental process. A thirty minute break between red and subsequent far red light exposure renders the red light effect irreversible, and development then occurs regardless of whether far red light exposure subsequently occurs.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell or an organism (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a red or far red light stimulus. Red light is electromagnetic radiation of wavelength of 580-700nm. Far red light is electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 700-800nm. An example of this response is seen at the beginning of many plant species developmental stages. These include germination, and the point when cotyledon expansion is triggered. In certain species these processes take place in response to absorption of red light by the pigment molecule phytochrome, but the signal can be reversed by exposure to far red light. During the initial phase the phytochrome molecule is only present in the red light absorbing form, but on absorption of red light it changes to a far red light absorbing form, triggering progress through development. An immediate short period of exposure to far red light entirely returns the pigment to its initial state and prevents triggering of the developmental process. A thirty minute break between red and subsequent far red light exposure renders the red light effect irreversible, and development then occurs regardless of whether far red light exposure subsequently occurs.
GO Term
Description: Any process that results in a change in state or activity of a cell (in terms of movement, secretion, enzyme production, gene expression, etc.) as a result of a red or far red light stimulus. Red light is electromagnetic radiation of wavelength of 580-700nm. Far red light is electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 700-800nm. An example of this response is seen at the beginning of many plant species developmental stages. These include germination, and the point when cotyledon expansion is triggered. In certain species these processes take place in response to absorption of red light by the pigment molecule phytochrome, but the signal can be reversed by exposure to far red light. During the initial phase the phytochrome molecule is only present in the red light absorbing form, but on absorption of red light it changes to a far red light absorbing form, triggering progress through development. An immediate short period of exposure to far red light entirely returns the pigment to its initial state and prevents triggering of the developmental process. A thirty minute break between red and subsequent far red light exposure renders the red light effect irreversible, and development then occurs regardless of whether far red light exposure subsequently occurs.