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Search results 1 to 100 out of 210 for cell

Category restricted to InteractionExperiment (x)

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Category: InteractionExperiment
Type Details Score
Interaction Experiment
Name: kasili-2011-1
Description: BRANCHLESS TRICHOMES links cell shape and cell cycle control in Arabidopsis trichomes.
Interaction Experiment
Name: kasili-2011-2
Description: BRANCHLESS TRICHOMES links cell shape and cell cycle control in Arabidopsis trichomes.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Kasili R (2011)
Description: BRANCHLESS TRICHOMES links cell shape and cell cycle control in Arabidopsis trichomes.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Mravec J (2011)
Description: Cell Plate Restricted Association of DRP1A and PIN Proteins Is Required for Cell Polarity Establishment in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: coll-2010-1
Description: Arabidopsis type I metacaspases control cell death.
Interaction Experiment
Name: coll-2010-2
Description: Arabidopsis type I metacaspases control cell death.
Interaction Experiment
Name: coll-2010-3
Description: Arabidopsis type I metacaspases control cell death.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Munch D (2015)
Description: Retromer contributes to immunity-associated cell death in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Ma L (2008)
Description: A novel RNA-binding protein associated with cell plate formation.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Ohyama K (2009)
Description: A glycopeptide regulating stem cell fate in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Xu XM (2011)
Description: Chaperonins facilitate KNOTTED1 cell-to-cell trafficking and stem cell function.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Deeks MJ (2005)
Description: Arabidopsis group Ie formins localize to specific cell membrane domains, interact with actin-binding proteins and cause defects in cell expansion upon aberrant expression.
Interaction Experiment
Name: hong-2001b-1
Description: A cell plate-specific callose synthase and its interaction with phragmoplastin.
Interaction Experiment
Name: uhrig-2007-1
Description: The role of Arabidopsis SCAR genes in ARP2-ARP3-dependent cell morphogenesis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: uhrig-2007-2
Description: The role of Arabidopsis SCAR genes in ARP2-ARP3-dependent cell morphogenesis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Jurado S (2010)
Description: The Arabidopsis Cell Cycle F-Box Protein SKP2A Binds to Auxin.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Gendre D (2011)
Description: Conserved Arabidopsis ECHIDNA protein mediates trans-Golgi-network trafficking and cell elongation.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Uhrig JF (2007)
Description: The role of Arabidopsis SCAR genes in ARP2-ARP3-dependent cell morphogenesis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: ryu-2009-1
Description: Modulations of AtGSTF10 expression induce stress tolerance and BAK1-mediated cell death.
Interaction Experiment
Name: ryu-2009-2
Description: Modulations of AtGSTF10 expression induce stress tolerance and BAK1-mediated cell death.
Interaction Experiment
Name: de Lucas M (2008)
Description: A molecular framework for light and gibberellin control of cell elongation.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Klopffleisch K (2011)
Description: Arabidopsis G-protein interactome reveals connections to cell wall carbohydrates and morphogenesis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Vilarrasa-Blasi J (2014)
Description: Regulation of plant stem cell quiescence by a brassinosteroid signaling module.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Zhou Y (2015)
Description: Control of plant stem cell function by conserved interacting transcriptional regulators.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Bao F (2014)
Description: Arabidopsis HSP90 protein modulates RPP4-mediated temperature-dependent cell death and defense responses.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Daum G (2014)
Description: A mechanistic framework for noncell autonomous stem cell induction in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: kaminaka-2006-1
Description: bZIP10-LSD1 antagonism modulates basal defense and cell death in Arabidopsis following infection.
Interaction Experiment
Name: kaminaka-2006-2
Description: bZIP10-LSD1 antagonism modulates basal defense and cell death in Arabidopsis following infection.
Interaction Experiment
Name: kaminaka-2006-3
Description: bZIP10-LSD1 antagonism modulates basal defense and cell death in Arabidopsis following infection.
Interaction Experiment
Name: jaillais-2007-1
Description: The Retromer Protein VPS29 Links Cell Polarity and Organ Initiation in Plants.
Interaction Experiment
Name: jaillais-2007-2
Description: The Retromer Protein VPS29 Links Cell Polarity and Organ Initiation in Plants.
Interaction Experiment
Name: jaillais-2007-3
Description: The Retromer Protein VPS29 Links Cell Polarity and Organ Initiation in Plants.
Interaction Experiment
Name: churchman-2006-1
Description: SIAMESE, a plant-specific cell cycle regulator, controls endoreplication onset in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Interaction Experiment
Name: hala-2008-1
Description: An exocyst complex functions in plant cell growth in Arabidopsis and tobacco.
Interaction Experiment
Name: hala-2008-2
Description: An exocyst complex functions in plant cell growth in Arabidopsis and tobacco.
Interaction Experiment
Name: hala-2008-4
Description: An exocyst complex functions in plant cell growth in Arabidopsis and tobacco.
Interaction Experiment
Name: hala-2008-3
Description: An exocyst complex functions in plant cell growth in Arabidopsis and tobacco.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Xu L (2008)
Description: Polycomb silencing of KNOX genes confines shoot stem cell niches in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Kaminaka H (2006)
Description: bZIP10-LSD1 antagonism modulates basal defense and cell death in Arabidopsis following infection.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Meng PH (2009)
Description: Crosstalks between myo-inositol metabolism, programmed cell death and basal immunity in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Boruc J (2010)
Description: Functional modules in the Arabidopsis core cell cycle binary protein-protein interaction network.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Guo Y (2010)
Description: CLAVATA2 forms a distinct CLE-binding receptor complex regulating Arabidopsis stem cell specification.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Van Leene J (2010)
Description: Targeted interactomics reveals a complex core cell cycle machinery in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Symonds VV (2011)
Description: Natural Allelic Variation Defines a Role for ATMYC1: Trichome Cell Fate Determination.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Oda Y (2012)
Description: Initiation of cell wall pattern by a Rho- and microtubule-driven symmetry breaking.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Haruta M (2014)
Description: A peptide hormone and its receptor protein kinase regulate plant cell expansion.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Kim HJ (2008)
Description: Control of plant germline proliferation by SCF(FBL17) degradation of cell cycle inhibitors.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Chai T (2015)
Description: LSD1 and HY5 antagonistically regulate red light induced-programmed cell death in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Hala M (2008)
Description: An exocyst complex functions in plant cell growth in Arabidopsis and tobacco.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Wang R (2015)
Description: A subgroup of MATE transporter genes regulates hypocotyl cell elongation in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: ehsan-2004-2
Description: TOUSLED kinase activity oscillates during the cell cycle and interacts with chromatin regulators.
Interaction Experiment
Name: ehsan-2004-3
Description: TOUSLED kinase activity oscillates during the cell cycle and interacts with chromatin regulators.
Interaction Experiment
Name: ehsan-2004-1
Description: TOUSLED kinase activity oscillates during the cell cycle and interacts with chromatin regulators.
Interaction Experiment
Name: kang-2006-3
Description: AtBAG6, a novel calmodulin-binding protein, induces programmed cell death in yeast and plants.
Interaction Experiment
Name: kang-2006-1
Description: AtBAG6, a novel calmodulin-binding protein, induces programmed cell death in yeast and plants.
Interaction Experiment
Name: kang-2006-2
Description: AtBAG6, a novel calmodulin-binding protein, induces programmed cell death in yeast and plants.
Interaction Experiment
Name: magyar-2005-1
Description: The role of the Arabidopsis E2FB transcription factor in regulating auxin-dependent cell division.
Interaction Experiment
Name: magyar-2005-2
Description: The role of the Arabidopsis E2FB transcription factor in regulating auxin-dependent cell division.
Interaction Experiment
Name: magyar-2005-3
Description: The role of the Arabidopsis E2FB transcription factor in regulating auxin-dependent cell division.
Interaction Experiment
Name: yang-2007c-1
Description: The Arabidopsis BAP1 and BAP2 genes are general inhibitors of programmed cell death.
Interaction Experiment
Name: boutt_-2010-1
Description: Endocytosis restricts Arabidopsis KNOLLE syntaxin to the cell division plane during late cytokinesis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: gao-2009-2
Description: Regulation of cell death and innate immunity by two receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: gao-2009-4
Description: Regulation of cell death and innate immunity by two receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: gao-2009-1
Description: Regulation of cell death and innate immunity by two receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: gao-2009-3
Description: Regulation of cell death and innate immunity by two receptor-like kinases in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: steffen-2008-1
Description: AGL61 Interacts with AGL80 and Is Required for Central Cell Development in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: cruz_ramirez-2012-2
Description: A Bistable Circuit Involving SCARECROW-RETINOBLASTOMA Integrates Cues to Inform Asymmetric Stem Cell Division.
Interaction Experiment
Name: cruz_ramirez-2012-1
Description: A Bistable Circuit Involving SCARECROW-RETINOBLASTOMA Integrates Cues to Inform Asymmetric Stem Cell Division.
Interaction Experiment
Name: cruz_ramirez-2012-4
Description: A Bistable Circuit Involving SCARECROW-RETINOBLASTOMA Integrates Cues to Inform Asymmetric Stem Cell Division.
Interaction Experiment
Name: cruz_ramirez-2012-5
Description: A Bistable Circuit Involving SCARECROW-RETINOBLASTOMA Integrates Cues to Inform Asymmetric Stem Cell Division.
Interaction Experiment
Name: cruz_ramirez-2012-3
Description: A Bistable Circuit Involving SCARECROW-RETINOBLASTOMA Integrates Cues to Inform Asymmetric Stem Cell Division.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Zheng H (2002)
Description: NPSN11 is a cell plate-associated SNARE protein that interacts with the syntaxin KNOLLE.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Steffen JG (2008)
Description: AGL61 interacts with AGL80 and is required for central cell development in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Ehsan H (2004)
Description: TOUSLED kinase activity oscillates during the cell cycle and interacts with chromatin regulators.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Li Y (2013)
Description: LESION SIMULATING DISEASE1 Interacts with Catalases to Regulate Hypersensitive Cell Death in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Peng L (2014)
Description: CYCP2;1 integrates genetic and nutritional information to promote meristem cell division in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Long Y (2015)
Description: SCARECROW-LIKE23 and SCARECROW jointly specify endodermal cell fate but distinctly control SHORT-ROOT movement.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Caro E (2007)
Description: A chromatin link that couples cell division to root epidermis patterning in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: ihara_ohori-2007-2
Description: Cell death suppressor Arabidopsis bax inhibitor-1 is associated with calmodulin binding and ion homeostasis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: ihara_ohori-2007-3
Description: Cell death suppressor Arabidopsis bax inhibitor-1 is associated with calmodulin binding and ion homeostasis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: timmers-2009-1
Description: Interactions between membrane-bound cellulose synthases involved in the synthesis of the secondary cell wall.
Interaction Experiment
Name: timmers-2009-2
Description: Interactions between membrane-bound cellulose synthases involved in the synthesis of the secondary cell wall.
Interaction Experiment
Name: van_leene-2010-1
Description: Identification of the core cell cycle interactome of Arabidopsis through a targeted proteomics approach.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Lee MM (1999)
Description: WEREWOLF, a MYB-related protein in Arabidopsis, is a position-dependent regulator of epidermal cell patterning.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Jia G (2008)
Description: Signaling of cell fate determination by the TPD1 small protein and EMS1 receptor kinase.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Desprez T (2007)
Description: Organization of cellulose synthase complexes involved in primary cell wall synthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Fu Y (2009)
Description: A ROP GTPase signaling pathway controls cortical microtubule ordering and cell expansion in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Caillaud MC (2009)
Description: Spindle assembly checkpoint protein dynamics reveal conserved and unsuspected roles in plant cell division.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Bleckmann A (2010)
Description: Stem cell signaling in Arabidopsis requires CRN to localize CLV2 to the plasma membrane.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Bhargava A (2010)
Description: MYB75 functions in regulation of secondary cell wall formation in the Arabidopsis inflorescence stem.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Strzalka W (2013)
Description: RAD5a ubiquitin ligase is involved in ubiquitination of Arabidopsis thaliana proliferating cell nuclear antigen.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Borg M (2014)
Description: An EAR-Dependent Regulatory Module Promotes Male Germ Cell Division and Sperm Fertility in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Geiger D (2009)
Description: Activity of guard cell anion channel SLAC1 is controlled by drought-stress signaling kinase-phosphatase pair.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Fujikura U (2014)
Description: Atkinesin-13A modulates cell-wall synthesis and cell expansion in Arabidopsis thaliana via the THESEUS1 pathway.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Cruz-Ramirez A (2013)
Description: A SCARECROW-RETINOBLASTOMA protein network controls protective quiescence in the Arabidopsis root stem cell organizer.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Machemer K (2011)
Description: Interplay of MYB factors in differential cell expansion, and consequences for tomato fruit development.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Wrzaczek M (2015)
Description: GRIM REAPER peptide binds to receptor kinase PRK5 to trigger cell death in Arabidopsis.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Jurado S (2008)
Description: SKP2A, an F-box protein that regulates cell division, is degraded via the ubiquitin pathway.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Boex-Fontvieille E (2015)
Description: A Kunitz-type protease inhibitor regulates programmed cell death during flower development in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Interaction Experiment
Name: Timmers J (2009)
Description: Interactions between membrane-bound cellulose synthases involved in the synthesis of the secondary cell wall.