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Category: Generif
Type Details Score
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: fundamental for plant growth and development by regulating cell division, cell growth, and cell death
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: FBR12
PubMed Id: 17513484
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: functions in stem cell niches maintenance and cell cycling control
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: NRPB1
PubMed Id: 29752751
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The disruption of ZAR1 and AGB1 results in short basal cell and an apical cell with basal cell fate
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: ZAR1
PubMed Id: 27014878
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The disruption of ZAR1 and AGB1 results in short basal cell and an apical cell with basal cell fate
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AGB1
PubMed Id: 27014878
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Cell geometry guides the dynamic targeting of LTPG1 protein to cell wall elements and cell borders in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: LTPG1
PubMed Id: 24260561
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: non-covalent link between WAK(67-254) and cell wall pectins is discussed in terms of cell elongation, cell differentiation and host-pathogen interactions
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: WAK1
PubMed Id: 15769808
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: RSL4 controls cell growth by controlling the expression of genes encoding proteins involved in cell signalling, cell wall modification and secretion.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RSL4
PubMed Id: 27452638
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: ARF3 controls cell division by regulating cell cycle gene expression through cytokinin.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: ARF3
PubMed Id: 29371438
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: OBP4 is a negative regulator of cell cycle progression and cell growth.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: OBP4
PubMed Id: 27297966
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: ARGONAUTE10 controls cell fate specification and formative cell divisions in the Arabidopsis root.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AGO10
PubMed Id: 38565947
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: OBP1 controls cell cycle progression by targeting the expression of core cell cycle genes. Overexpression results in a shortening of the cell cycle.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: OBP1
PubMed Id: 18665917
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AtPRX71 is proposed to contributes to strengthen cell walls, therefore restricting cell expansion, during normal growth and in response to cell wall damage.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT5G64120
PubMed Id: 26468518
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: RBR1 regulates not only cell cycle genes, but also, independent of the cell cycle transcription factor E2F, genes required for formative divisions and cell fate acquisition, thus directly linking cell proliferation with differentiation.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RBR1
PubMed Id: 23104828
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: CESA9 mutants showed depletion of secondary cell wall synthesis in the radial cell wall.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CESA9
PubMed Id: 20335403
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: expression of APE1 was upregulated in non-small cell lung cancer tissues and cell lines
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: APE1
PubMed Id: 31037897
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: We examined O(3) and superoxide-induced cell death in the O(3)-sensitive radical-induced cell death1 (rcd1) mutant.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RCD1
PubMed Id: 15728341
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: general inhibitor of programmed cell death, expression in yeast alleviates cell death induced by hydrogen peroxide
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: BAP1
PubMed Id: 17631528
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Reactive oxygen species formation results from cry1 activation and induces cell death in insect cell cultures.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CRY1
PubMed Id: 25728686
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Dual regulations of cell cycle regulator DPa by auxin in Arabidopsis root distal stem cell maintenance.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: DPA
PubMed Id: 37126711
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Ribosome assembly factor Adenylate Kinase 6 maintains cell proliferation and cell size homeostasis during root growth.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AAK6
PubMed Id: 31665812
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: It is postulated that the DGR proteins act in the synthesis or assembly of the cell wall, influence the cell wall's extension and consequently influence cell growth. [DGR2]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: DGR2
PubMed Id: 22323769
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AtCesA6-null mutants showed a reduced cell elongation of young seedlings with little impact on cell division, which consequently affected cell wall integrity and biomass yield of mature plants.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CESA6
PubMed Id: 29514326
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: It is postulated that the DGR proteins act in the synthesis or assembly of the cell wall, influence the cell wall's extension and consequently influence cell growth. [DGR1]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: DGR1
PubMed Id: 22323769
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: UVI4 inhibits premature cell differentiation.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: UVI4
PubMed Id: 22167059
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: ABP1 affects the expression of a broad range of cell wall-related genes, especially cell wall remodeling genes.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: ABP1
PubMed Id: 24424095
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The function of AtMC9 in xylem cell death is to degrade vessel cell contents after vacuolar rupture.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: MC9
PubMed Id: 23834670
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: SCARECROW-LIKE28 modulates organ growth in Arabidopsis by controlling mitotic cell cycle exit, endoreplication, and cell expansion dynamics.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: SCL28
PubMed Id: 36451535
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: CYCD3 activity is important for determining cell number in developing lateral organs and the relative contribution of the alternative processes of cell production and cell expansion to overall organ growth
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CYCD3;3
PubMed Id: 17726100
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: CYCD3 activity is important for determining cell number in developing lateral organs and the relative contribution of the alternative processes of cell production and cell expansion to overall organ growth
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CYCD3;1
PubMed Id: 17726100
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: CYCD3 activity is important for determining cell number in developing lateral organs and the relative contribution of the alternative processes of cell production and cell expansion to overall organ growth
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CYCD3;2
PubMed Id: 17726100
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Arabidopsis thaliana CLASP protein is a microtubule-associated protein that is involved in both cell division and cell expansion.[CLASP]
Organism: A. thaliana
PubMed Id: 17873093
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Data show that RBR has unique cell-autonomous functions in different cell types within the root stem cell niche.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RBR1
PubMed Id: 21742994
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: NLP7 control of root cap cell release is largely independent of gravity sensing and root cap cell identity.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: NLP7
PubMed Id: 29215953
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: root meristem growth factor 1(At5g60810 peptide) required for maintenance of root stem cell niche and transit amplifying cell proliferation; it defines expression levels and patterns of stem cell transcription factor PLETHORA
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RGF1
PubMed Id: 20798316
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: UGP1 is a cell death regulator.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: UGP1
PubMed Id: 23438466
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: PAT1H1 maintains root stem cell niche stability through the interaction with NINJA and the regulation of cell division. [PAT1H1]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT3G22270
PubMed Id: 26956135
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Cell wall damage enhances cytokinin degradation rates through a NIA1/2-mediated process, leading to attenuation of cell cycle gene expression.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: NIA2
PubMed Id: 30190280
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Cell wall damage enhances cytokinin degradation rates through a NIA1/2-mediated process, leading to attenuation of cell cycle gene expression.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: NIA1
PubMed Id: 30190280
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: At1g79620 (VRLK1) functions as a signaling component in coordinating cell elongation and cell wall thickening during growth and development.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT1G79620
PubMed Id: 29678858
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: putative O-fucosyltransferases, ESMD1, is involved in cell adhesion. Results suggest that cell adhesion is under the control of a feedback signal from the state of the pectin in the cell wall. [Esmeralda1]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT2G01480
PubMed Id: 27317803
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Exocyst complex is involved in secretory processes during cytokinesis in Arabidopsis cells, notably in cell plate initiation, cell plate maturation, and formation of new primary cell wall. [EXO84b] [exocyst complex component 84B]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: EXO84B
PubMed Id: 20870962
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: LIF2, involved in cell identity and cell fate decision, may modulate the activity of LHP1 at specific loci, during specific developmental windows or in response to environmental cues that control cell fate determination.[LIF2]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: TFL2
PubMed Id: 21304947
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: SUB acts in a non-cell-autonomous fashion, functions in a radial inside-out signaling process, and mediates cell morphogenesis and cell fate across clonally distinct cell layers in floral primordia, developing ovules, and root meristems.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: SUB
PubMed Id: 18771664
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The protein kinases FEI1 and FEI2 help regulate cell expansion and cell wall biosynthesis through interaction with ACC synthase. [FEI2]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: FEI2
PubMed Id: 19017745
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: RBR restricts cell division early during leaf development when cell proliferation predominates, while it regulates endocycle occurrence at later stages.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RBR1
PubMed Id: 16361519
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: miR319 and its target TCP4 can act as switches that turn on secondary cell wall synthesis and programmed cell death.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: TCP4
PubMed Id: 28233945
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: IAA1 might be involved in cell elongation as well as in cell division in the aerial parts of Arabidopsis plants.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: IAA1
PubMed Id: 18771815
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The protein kinases FEI1 and FEI2 help regulate cell expansion and cell wall biosynthesis through interaction with ACC synthase. [FEI1]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: FEI1
PubMed Id: 19017745
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: TPS1 may play a major role in coordinating cell wall biosynthesis and cell division with cellular metabolism during embryo development.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: TPS1
PubMed Id: 16553896
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: miR319 and its target TCP4 can act as switches that turn on secondary cell wall synthesis and programmed cell death.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: MIR319A
PubMed Id: 28233945
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: HECATE1 (HEC1) is a target of WUS and that it contributes to SAM function by promoting stem cell proliferation, while antagonizing niche cell activity. HEC1 represses the stem cell regulators WUS and CLAVATA3 (CLV3)
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: WUS
PubMed Id: 24576426
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: HECATE1 (HEC1) is a target of WUS and that it contributes to SAM function by promoting stem cell proliferation, while antagonizing niche cell activity. HEC1 represses the stem cell regulators WUS and CLAVATA3 (CLV3)
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CLV3
PubMed Id: 24576426
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Both methyl jasmonate treatment and the overexpression of COI1 modify growth, by altering cell proliferation and expansion. DNA content as well as transcript patterns of cell cycle and cell wall remodelling markers were altered.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: COI1
PubMed Id: 29924303
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: LIF2, involved in cell identity and cell fate decision, may modulate the activity of LHP1 at specific loci, during specific developmental windows or in response to environmental cues that control cell fate determination. [LIF2]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: LIF2
PubMed Id: 21304947
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: study shows type I metacaspases, AtMC1 and AtMC2, antagonistically control programmed cell death; AtMC1 is a positive regulator of cell death; requires conserved caspase-like putative catalytic residues for function; AtMC2 negatively regulates cell death
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: MC2
PubMed Id: 21097903
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: HECATE1 (HEC1) is a target of WUS and that it contributes to SAM function by promoting stem cell proliferation, while antagonizing niche cell activity. HEC1 represses the stem cell regulators WUS and CLAVATA3 (CLV3)
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: HEC1
PubMed Id: 24576426
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: study shows type I metacaspases, AtMC1 and AtMC2, antagonistically control programmed cell death; AtMC1 is a positive regulator of cell death; requires conserved caspase-like putative catalytic residues for function; AtMC2 negatively regulates cell death
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: MC1
PubMed Id: 21097903
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: a new role in cell cycle regulation
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: MYB108
PubMed Id: 19881525
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AT14A mediates the cell wall-plasma membrane-cytoskeleton continuum.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT14A
PubMed Id: 22456678
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AtTRS120 is required for cell plate assembly.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: TRS120
PubMed Id: 20713617
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: CLE40 Signaling Regulates Root Stem Cell Fate.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CLE40
PubMed Id: 31806736
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Growth arrest in the ftsh4-1 mutant is caused by cell cycle dysregulation in addition to the loss of stem cell identity.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: ftsh4
PubMed Id: 29538317
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AtNAP1;1 is a component of a regulatory mechanism that connects cell proliferation to cell growth and expansion during Arabidopsis leaf development.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: GRL
PubMed Id: 17041028
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: A small increase in TCP4 activity has an immediate impact on leaf cell number, by significantly reducing cell proliferation through miR319.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: TCP4
PubMed Id: 25053833
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AtSGP are crucial signalling components involved either in early cell fate specification, or in the final steps of cell differentiation. [AtSGP2]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: SGP2
PubMed Id: 19123141
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The receptor-like kinases GSO1 and GSO2 together regulate root growth in Arabidopsis through control of cell division and cell fate specification.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: GSO1
PubMed Id: 24123341
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Aurora kinase AtAUR1 localized at the nuclear membrane in interphase and located in mitotic spindles and cell plates during cell division.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AUR1
PubMed Id: 16028112
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Differences in RAD51 transcriptional response and cell cycle dynamics reveal varying sensitivity to DNA damage among Arabidopsis thaliana root cell types.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RAD51
PubMed Id: 38840557
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The receptor-like kinases GSO1 and GSO2 together regulate root growth in Arabidopsis through control of cell division and cell fate specification.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: GSO2
PubMed Id: 24123341
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AtSGP are crucial signalling components involved either in early cell fate specification, or in the final steps of cell differentiation. [AtSGP1]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: SGP1
PubMed Id: 19123141
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Findings demonstrate essential developmental roles for DUO3 in cell cycle progression and cell specification in both gametophytic and sporophytic tissues. [DUO3]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: DUO3
PubMed Id: 19638475
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Aluminum reduces TBL27 expression and the O-acetylation of cell wall xyloglucan, which results in more aluminum binding in the cell wall.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: TBL27
PubMed Id: 25006026
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: SCI1 is a component of the auxin signaling transduction pathway to control cell proliferation/differentiation in stigma/style.[SCI1] [stigma/style cell cycle inhibitor 1]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: SCI1
PubMed Id: 25443839
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: A small increase in TCP4 activity has an immediate impact on leaf cell number, by significantly reducing cell proliferation through miR319.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: MIR319A
PubMed Id: 25053833
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Data suggest the cell cycle uncouples gibberellic acid (GA) and abscisic Acid (ABA) responses in germinating seeds, and that cell cycle regulator KRP6 acts downstream of GA to inhibit mitotic cell cycle activation during germination.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: KRP6
PubMed Id: 27021201
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Disruptions of AtTRS120 or AtTRS130 result in defective cytokinesis and cell polarity in embryogenesis and seedling development. Post-Golgi trafficking to the cell plate and to the cell wall, but not to the vacuole, is impaired.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: TRS120
PubMed Id: 21689172
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Disruptions of AtTRS120 or AtTRS130 result in defective cytokinesis and cell polarity in embryogenesis and seedling development. Post-Golgi trafficking to the cell plate and to the cell wall, but not to the vacuole, is impaired.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CLUB
PubMed Id: 21689172
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: MED25 and MED8 subunits of the Mediator transcriptional complex are required for the transcriptional regulation of genes involved in cell elongation and cell wall composition in response to defective cell walls and in sugar-responsive gene expression.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: MED8
PubMed Id: 26341899
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: MED25 and MED8 subunits of the Mediator transcriptional complex are required for the transcriptional regulation of genes involved in cell elongation and cell wall composition in response to defective cell walls and in sugar-responsive gene expression.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: PFT1
PubMed Id: 26341899
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: ATX1 is involved in the timing of root development, stem cell niche maintenance, and cell patterning during primary and lateral root development.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: ATX1
PubMed Id: 25205583
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: MET1 confines ARID1 to the vegetative cell of male gametes, but ARID1 conversely represses MET1 in the central cell of female gametes.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT2G46040
PubMed Id: 28782297
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: COBL2 plays a role in the deposition of crystalline cellulose into various secondary cell wall structures during seed coat epidermal cell differentiation.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: COBL2
PubMed Id: 25583925
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AtNHX1 has a role in calcium signaling, sulfur metabolism, cell structure and cell growth, as well as vesicular trafficking and protein processing.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: NHX1
PubMed Id: 17411438
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: MET1 confines ARID1 to the vegetative cell of male gametes, but ARID1 conversely represses MET1 in the central cell of female gametes.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: MET1
PubMed Id: 28782297
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: These results reveal a plant-specific mechanism for cell polarity maintenance and provide a conceptual framework for modulating cell polarity and plant development.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: EIR1
PubMed Id: 21315597
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Hypersensitive response cell death via the activation of autophagy, which plays a positive role in plant immunity-triggered hypersensitive response programmed cell death.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RABG3B
PubMed Id: 23404918
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: These results reveal a plant-specific mechanism for cell polarity maintenance and provide a conceptual framework for modulating cell polarity and plant development.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: PIN1
PubMed Id: 21315597
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AtCesA6-null mutants showed a reduced cell elongation of young seedlings with little impact on cell division, which consequently affected cell wall integrity and biomass yield of mature plants. In comparison, rsw1 seedlings exhibited a strong defect in both cell elongation and division at restrictive temperature, whereas the IRX3 mutant showed normal seedling growth.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CESA1
PubMed Id: 29514326
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AtCesA6-null mutants showed a reduced cell elongation of young seedlings with little impact on cell division, which consequently affected cell wall integrity and biomass yield of mature plants. In comparison, rsw1 seedlings exhibited a strong defect in both cell elongation and division at restrictive temperature, whereas the IRX3 mutant showed normal seedling growth.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: IRX3
PubMed Id: 29514326
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: RABA1e localizes to the cell plate in Arabidopsis.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RABA1e
PubMed Id: 27408949
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: role in cell death mediated by myo-inositol accumulation
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: HXK1
PubMed Id: 26048869
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: PELPK1 is predominantly localized in the cell wall.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: PELPK1
PubMed Id: 25850299
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Molecular mechanism of cytokinin-activated cell division in Arabidopsis.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: MYB3R-4
PubMed Id: 33632892
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AtSerpin1 and RD21 can modulate necrotroph-induced cell death.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RD21A
PubMed Id: 23398119
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AtSerpin1 and RD21 can modulate necrotroph-induced cell death.
Organism: A. thaliana
PubMed Id: 23398119
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: PUB4 promotes expression of a cell cycle regulatory gene, CYCD6;1, and regulates formative periclinal asymmetric cell divisions in endodermis and cortex/endodermis initial daughters.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: PUB4
PubMed Id: 25605779
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: the changes in cell size caused by loss and gain of KRP4 function implicated this gene in the control of meristem cell size
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT2G32710
PubMed Id: 26526374
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: EBP1 is a conserved, dose-dependent regulator of cell growth that is connected to meristematic competence and cell proliferation via regulation of RBR1 level.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RBR1
PubMed Id: 17024182
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: SHB1 is a positive regulator of seed development that affects both cell size and cell number, and associates with MINISEED3 and HAIKU2 promoters.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: SHB1
PubMed Id: 19141706
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: novel mechanistic pathway through which AtRING1a and AtRING1b repress KNOX-I expression to terminate floral stem cell activities and establish carpel cell fate identities
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RING1
PubMed Id: 28007029