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Category: Generif
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GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: AOX1a plants have a greatly altered stress response even when mitochondria or the mitochondrial electron transport chain are not the primary target of the stress and that AOX1a plays a broad role in determining the normal redox balance in the cell
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AOX1A
PubMed Id: 18424626
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: SMB, BRN1, and BRN2, which are members of the Class IIB NAC transcription factor family, act redundantly to drive cellular differentiation and promote maturation of the root cap and the cell wall separations needed to produce a functional root cap. [BRN2]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: NAC070
PubMed Id: 20197506
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Endoplasmic reticulum-stress-induced programmed cell death is regulated positively by cathepsin B and negatively by PBA1, revealing a complex picture behind caspase-3-like activity in plants. Cathepsin B may execute its function after tonoplast rupture and works in parallel with VPE.[cathepsin B3]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT4G01610
PubMed Id: 28675441
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: n the mutants with ectopic apertures, the number and positions of INP1 localization sites change depending on ploidy or ploidy-related cell size and not on INP1 levels, suggesting that sites for aperture formation are specified before INP1 is brought to them.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: INP1
PubMed Id: 27177036
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The increased leaf size was found to be due to enhanced rates of cell division during the early stages of leaf development and by increased APC/C activity as measured by an amplification of the proteolysis rate of the mitotic cyclin, CYCB1;1.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CYCB1;1
PubMed Id: 21711400
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The cell walls in the roots of these four AtCESA3 alleles contain different percentages of cellulose, and these percentages correlate with the lengths of the roots and cortex cells in these roots when grown on media containing high levels of sucrose.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CEV1
PubMed Id: 22514801
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: CYCD7;1 is capable of promoting divisions in multiple contexts, likely through RBR1-dependent promotion of the G1/S transition, but that CYCD7;1 is regulated at the transcriptional level by cell type-specific transcription factors that confine its expression to the appropriate developmental window.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CYCD7;1
PubMed Id: 29467245
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: DRP1A forms discreet dynamic foci in the epidermal cell cortex and while the foci overlap with those formed by DRP1C and clathrin light chain, there are clear differences in behavior and response to pharmacological inhibitors between DRP1A and DRP1C foci.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: DL1
PubMed Id: 18344418
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Results show MUM2 is localized to the cell wall and it is proposed that MUM2 is involved in modifying mucilage to allow it to expand upon hydration, establishing a link between the galactosyl side-chain structure of pectin and its physical properties.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: MUM2
PubMed Id: 18165329
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Using dissected Arabidopsis NACK1 molecules and AtNACK1-fused GFP, it was shown that the C-terminal tail of the stalk in addition to the motor domain is critical for its proper localization to the site of cell plate formation in the phragmoplast.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: HIK
PubMed Id: 25502072
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Endoplasmic reticulum-stress-induced programmed cell death is regulated positively by cathepsin B and negatively by PBA1, revealing a complex picture behind caspase-3-like activity in plants. Cathepsin B may execute its function after tonoplast rupture and works in parallel with VPE.[cathepsin B2]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT1G02305
PubMed Id: 28675441
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Endoplasmic reticulum-stress-induced programmed cell death is regulated positively by cathepsin B and negatively by PBA1, revealing a complex picture behind caspase-3-like activity in plants. Cathepsin B may execute its function after tonoplast rupture and works in parallel with VPE.[cathepsin B1]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT1G02300
PubMed Id: 28675441
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: SMB, BRN1, and BRN2, which are members of the Class IIB NAC transcription factor family, act redundantly to drive cellular differentiation and promote maturation of the root cap and the cell wall separations needed to produce a functional root cap. [BRN1]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: NAC015
PubMed Id: 20197506
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: CLV3 ligand/CLV1 receptor system initiates a signaling cascade that elevates cytosolic Ca(2+). This cytosolic secondary messenger is involved in the signal transduction cascade linking CLV3/CLV1 to control of gene expression and stem cell fate in the shoot apical meristem (SAM).
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CLV1
PubMed Id: 26756833
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: CBP1 is extensively expressed in multiple vegetative tissues and specifically in the central cell in reproductive growth. We propose that CBP1, via interaction with CCG and the Mediator complex, connects transcription factors and the Pol II machinery to regulate pollen tube attraction.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: MEE14
PubMed Id: 26462908
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: a phenotype of dwarf plants with short roots and small yellowish leaves for AtTrx h9, a member of the Arabidopsis Trx h family was identified. Trx h9 was found to be associated with the plasma membrane and to move from cell to cell.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: TH9
PubMed Id: 20133584
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: In the cotyledons, floral organs, and root columella, the plastid size in the atminE1 mutant was significantly larger than in the wild type, while the plastid number per cell in atminE1 appeared to be inversely smaller than that in the wild type.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: MINE1
PubMed Id: 19966487
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: QC precursor cells originated from the outer layer of stage II lateral root primordia, within which the SCARECROW (SCR) transcription factor was specifically expressed. Disrupting SCR function abolished periclinal divisions in this lateral root primordia cell layer and perturbed the formation of QC precursor cells.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: SCR
PubMed Id: 27510971
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Results indicate that cell type-specific accumulation of Manganese and Iron in seeds depends on MTP8 and that this transporter plays an important role in the generation of seed metal stores as well as for metal homeostasis and germination efficiency under challenging environmental conditions. [MTP8]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT3G58060
PubMed Id: 28461400
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: IBH1-LIKE1 (IBL1) acts as a negative regulator of the BR responses and cell elongation. IBH1 repressed direct IBL1 transcription, and they both acted in tandem to suppress the expression of a common downstream helix-loop-helix (HLH)/bHLH network, thus forming an incoherent feed-forward loop. [IBL1] [IBH1-LIKE1]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT4G30410
PubMed Id: 24505057
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: identification of the plant-specific protein POLAR as a stomatal lineage scaffold for a subset of GSK3-like kinases that confines them to the cytosol and subsequently transiently polarizes them within the cell, together with BREAKING OF ASYMMETRY IN THE STOMATAL LINEAGE (BASL), before asymmetric cell division
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT4G31805
PubMed Id: 30429609
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The studies show that two TTMs, AtTTM1 and AtTTM2, display the same biochemical properties but distinct biological functions that are governed by their transcriptional regulation. Moreover, this work reveals a possible connection of immunity-related programmed cell death and senescence through novel mitochondrial tail-anchored proteins.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT1G26190
PubMed Id: 28733390
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: ORE15 expression partially overlapped with AN3/GIF1 and ANT expression along the midvein in the proximal region of the leaf blade in young leaves. Genetic analysis revealed that ORE15 may function synergistically with AN3 to control leaf growth as a positive regulator of cell proliferation.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT1G31040
PubMed Id: 31905806
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The studies show that two TTMs, AtTTM1 and AtTTM2, display the same biochemical properties but distinct biological functions that are governed by their transcriptional regulation. Moreover, this work reveals a possible connection of immunity-related programmed cell death and senescence through novel mitochondrial tail-anchored proteins.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT1G73980
PubMed Id: 28733390
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Mutation of Cys 890 compromised S-nitrosothiol-mediated control of AtRBOHD activity, perturbing the magnitude of cell death development. This cysteine is evolutionarily conserved and specifically S-nitrosylated in both human and fly NADPH oxidase, suggesting that this mechanism may govern immune responses in both plants and animals. [RBOHD]
Organism: A. thaliana
PubMed Id: 21964330
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Study revealed the evolutionary trajectory for the heterodimeric TMO5/LHW transcription factor complex, which is rate-limiting for vascular cell proliferation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Both regulators have origins predating vascular tissue emergence, and even terrestrialization. TMO5 evolved its modern function, including dimerization with LHW, at the origin of land plants.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: LHW
PubMed Id: 31874927
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Study identified new roles for SHP1 and SHP2: they are required for synchronized ovule maturation and subsequent fertilization/seed maturation, seed mucilage production, and have an inhibitory effect which is antagonistic to the ABS function in controlling formative divisions and cell shape of the inner integument and seed coat layers.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: SHP2
PubMed Id: 27776173
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Expression of CNGC12 with a nonfunctional N-terminal CaMBD constitutively induced programmed cell death, providing in planta evidence of allosteric CNGC regulation by CaM. Furthermore, study determined that CaM binding to the IQ motif was required for channel function, indicating that CaM can both positively and negatively regulate CNGC12.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CNGC12
PubMed Id: 27335451
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Study revealed the evolutionary trajectory for the heterodimeric TMO5/LHW transcription factor complex, which is rate-limiting for vascular cell proliferation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Both regulators have origins predating vascular tissue emergence, and even terrestrialization. TMO5 evolved its modern function, including dimerization with LHW, at the origin of land plants.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: BHLH32
PubMed Id: 31874927
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Study identified new roles for SHP1 and SHP2: they are required for synchronized ovule maturation and subsequent fertilization/seed maturation, seed mucilage production, and have an inhibitory effect which is antagonistic to the ABS function in controlling formative divisions and cell shape of the inner integument and seed coat layers.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: SHP1
PubMed Id: 27776173
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The effects of ethylene on microtubule bundling were partially suppressed in a microtubule-bundling protein WDL5 knockout mutant (wdl5-1). This study suggests that modulation of microtubule bundles that have formed in certain orientations plays a role in reorienting microtubule arrays in response to ethylene-mediated etiolated hypocotyl cell elongation. [WDL5]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT4G32330
PubMed Id: 27044753
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Study reports genetic and cell biological analyses of the zygote-arrest 1 (zyg1) mutant in Arabidopsis, which showed zygote-lethal and over-accumulation of cyclin B1 D-box-GUS in ovules. These results together suggest that APC/C-mediated degradation of cyclin B1 in Arabidopsis is critical for initiating the first division of the zygote.
Organism: A. thaliana
PubMed Id: 26952278
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: gem3 disrupts cell division during male meiosis, at pollen mitosis I and during female gametophyte development. It is shown that gem3 is a hypomorphic allele (aug6-1) of AUGMIN subunit 6, encoding a conserved component in the augmin complex, which mediates microtubule (MT)-dependent MT nucleation in acentrosomal cells. [gem3]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AUG6
PubMed Id: 27121542
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: ZERZAUST represents a mobile apoplastic protein, and its carbohydrate-binding module family 43 domain is required for proper subcellular localization and function whereas its GPI anchor is dispensable. This atypical beta-1,3 glucanase ZERZAUST acts in a non-cell-autonomous manner and is required for cell wall organization during tissue morphogenesis. [ZERZAUST] [ZET]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT1G64760
PubMed Id: 28507000
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: GFP::AtRHM1 fusion protein was found to be localized in the cytosol of cotyledon cells and of petiole cells of cotyledon, indicating that AtRHM1 is a cytosol-localized protein. Overexpression resulted in an increase of rhamnose in the leaf cell wall as well as an alteration in galactose and glucose
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RHM1
PubMed Id: 19056285
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Study identified ORG3 as a direct downstream, and positively regulated target of GRF9. Genetic analysis of grf9 org3 and GRF9ox org3 double mutants reveals that both transcription factors act in a regulatory cascade to control the final leaf dimensions by restricting cell number in the developing leaf in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: GRF9
PubMed Id: 29985961
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Study identified ORG3 as a direct downstream, and positively regulated target of GRF9. Genetic analysis of grf9 org3 and GRF9ox org3 double mutants reveals that both transcription factors act in a regulatory cascade to control the final leaf dimensions by restricting cell number in the developing leaf in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: bHLH39
PubMed Id: 29985961
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: A. thaliana TOP3alpha conserved zinc-finger domain (ZFD) T1 is specifically required for targeting the topoisomerase activity to Holliday junction like recombination intermediates to enable their processing. In the case of an inactivated enzyme, this leads to cell death due to the masking of these intermediates, hindering their resolution by MUS81.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: MUS81
PubMed Id: 30222730
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: A. thaliana TOP3alpha conserved zinc-finger domain (ZFD) T1 is specifically required for targeting the topoisomerase activity to Holliday junction like recombination intermediates to enable their processing. In the case of an inactivated enzyme, this leads to cell death due to the masking of these intermediates, hindering their resolution by MUS81.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: TOP3A
PubMed Id: 30222730
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The authors found that branched-chain amino acid over-accumulation leads to up-regulation of TOR activity, which causes reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton and actin-associated endomembranes. They also show that activation of TOR is concomitant with alteration of cell expansion, proliferation and specialized metabolism, leading to pleiotropic effects on plant growth and development.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: TOR
PubMed Id: 31808741
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: found that hypocotyl cell elongation is regulated by a network involving ethylene, auxin, and BR signalling, which is mediated by interactions among ERF72, ARF6, and BZR1. ERF72 interacted directly with ARF6 and BZR1 in vitro and in vivo, and it antagonised regulation by ARF6 and BZR1 of the transcription of BEE3 and XTH7
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: EBP
PubMed Id: 29897568
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Study demonstrates that the nuclear and Golgi-localized protein BLISTER (BLI) negatively controls the activity of IRE1A/IRE1B under normal growth condition in Arabidopsis. Its loss-of-function mutation results in chronic up-regulation of a set of both canonical unfolded protein response (UPR) genes and non-canonical UPR downstream genes, leading to cell death and growth retardation.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: BLI
PubMed Id: 31869326
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: T-DNA inserted gds1 (growth, development and splicing 1) mutant, displayed abnormal growth throughout the lifecycle owing to the reduction of cell size and number. Inverse PCR analysis revealed that the abnormal growth was caused by the disruption of At3g47120, which encodes a C3H42 protein belonging to the C-X7-C-X5-C-X3-H class of the Znf family.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT3G47120
PubMed Id: 27457991
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: we reveal that the small GTPase Rho-related protein 2 (ROP2) transduces light-auxin signal to activate TOR by direct interaction, which, in turn, promotes transcription factors E2Fa,b for activating cell cycle genes in shoot apexes. Consistently, constitutively activated ROP2 plants stimulate TOR in the shoot apex and cause true leaf development even without light.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: ROP2
PubMed Id: 28223530
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: found that hypocotyl cell elongation is regulated by a network involving ethylene, auxin, and BR signalling, which is mediated by interactions among ERF72, ARF6, and BZR1. ERF72 interacted directly with ARF6 and BZR1 in vitro and in vivo, and it antagonised regulation by ARF6 and BZR1 of the transcription of BEE3 and XTH7
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: ARF6
PubMed Id: 29897568
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: By NMR and live cell analyses the authors reveal that two neighboring residues in the first hydrophobic binding motif are crucial for the microtubule interaction, which is reminiscent to that of the prominent neuropathology-related protein Tau, indicating evolutionary convergence of MAP functions across animal and plant cells. [companion of cellulose synthase 1]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT1G45688
PubMed Id: 30787279
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: we reveal that the small GTPase Rho-related protein 2 (ROP2) transduces light-auxin signal to activate TOR by direct interaction, which, in turn, promotes transcription factors E2Fa,b for activating cell cycle genes in shoot apexes. Consistently, constitutively activated ROP2 plants stimulate TOR in the shoot apex and cause true leaf development even without light.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: TOR
PubMed Id: 28223530
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Two mechanistically distinct PIN3 polarization events redirect auxin fluxes at different time points of the gravity response: first, gravity-mediated redirection of PIN3-mediated auxin flow toward the lower hypocotyl side, where auxin gradually accumulates and promotes growth, and later PIN3 polarization to the opposite cell side, depleting this auxin maximum to end the bending.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: PIN3
PubMed Id: 27773568
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: found that hypocotyl cell elongation is regulated by a network involving ethylene, auxin, and BR signalling, which is mediated by interactions among ERF72, ARF6, and BZR1. ERF72 interacted directly with ARF6 and BZR1 in vitro and in vivo, and it antagonised regulation by ARF6 and BZR1 of the transcription of BEE3 and XTH7
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: BZR1
PubMed Id: 29897568
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Degradation of RPM1 is not associated with HR or resistance mediated by this R protein. Likewise, the runaway cell death phenotype in the lsd1 mutant was not associated with RPM1 degradation and did not alter RPM1-derived resistance. RPM1 stability and RPM1-mediated resistance were dependent on the double-stranded RNA binding (DRB) proteins 1 and 4.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RPM1
PubMed Id: 30843586
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: these findings reveal a critical linkage between the previously identified Al exclusion mechanism based on root malate release and an internal Al tolerance mechanism identified here through the coordinated function of NIP1;2 and ALMT1, which is required for Al removal from the root cell wall, root-to-shoot Al translocation, and overall Al tolerance in Arabidopsis.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: NIP1;2
PubMed Id: 28439024
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: pme6-1 mutant guard cells have walls enriched in methyl-esterified pectin and show a decreased dynamic range in response to triggers of stomatal opening/closure, including elevated osmoticum, suggesting that abrogation of stomatal function reflects a mechanical change in the guard cell wall. Altered stomatal function leads to increased conductance and evaporative cooling, as well as decreased plant growth.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT2G47670
PubMed Id: 27720618
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: downregulation of CSN4 in Arabidopsis and in tobacco cells leads to delayed G1/S transition comparable to that observed when TCTP is downregulated. Loss-of-function of AtTCTP leads to increased fraction of deneddylated CUL1, suggesting that AtTCTP interferes negatively with COP9 function. Similar defects in cell proliferation and CUL1 neddylation status were observed in Drosophila knockdown for dCSN4 or dTCTP
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: TCTP
PubMed Id: 30695029
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Loss of AtCEP2, but not AtCEP1 resulted in shorter primary roots due to a decrease in cell length in the lateral root (LR) cap and impairs extension of primary root epidermis. AtCEP1 and AtCEP2 are expressed in root epidermis cells that are separated for LR emergence. Loss of AtCEP1 or AtCEP2 caused delayed emergence of LR primordia.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CEP2
PubMed Id: 30576358
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The protein encoded by AT3G56170 (CAN or CAN1) is a Ca2+-dependent and Zn2+-sensitive, plasma membrane nuclease which degrades ssDNA, dsDNA and RNA at neutral pH. This protein possesses a hybrid structure of its catalytic domain consisting of staphylococcal nuclease-like and tRNA synthetase anticodon binding-like motifs. Expression of CAN1 nuclease correlates with different forms of plant programmed cell death.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CAN
PubMed Id: 23102437
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: downregulation of CSN4 in Arabidopsis and in tobacco cells leads to delayed G1/S transition comparable to that observed when TCTP is downregulated. Loss-of-function of AtTCTP leads to increased fraction of deneddylated CUL1, suggesting that AtTCTP interferes negatively with COP9 function. Similar defects in cell proliferation and CUL1 neddylation status were observed in Drosophila knockdown for dCSN4 or dTCTP
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CUL1
PubMed Id: 30695029
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: downregulation of CSN4 in Arabidopsis and in tobacco cells leads to delayed G1/S transition comparable to that observed when TCTP is downregulated. Loss-of-function of AtTCTP leads to increased fraction of deneddylated CUL1, suggesting that AtTCTP interferes negatively with COP9 function. Similar defects in cell proliferation and CUL1 neddylation status were observed in Drosophila knockdown for dCSN4 or dTCTP
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: COP8
PubMed Id: 30695029
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Loss of AtCEP2, but not AtCEP1 resulted in shorter primary roots due to a decrease in cell length in the lateral root (LR) cap and impairs extension of primary root epidermis. AtCEP1 and AtCEP2 are expressed in root epidermis cells that are separated for LR emergence. Loss of AtCEP1 or AtCEP2 caused delayed emergence of LR primordia.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: CEP1
PubMed Id: 30576358
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Increased embryo and seed size in krp4/6/7 mutants results from seed abortion, presumably reducing resource competition, and that seed size differences contribute to the phenotype of several large-leaf mutants. Results provide a new understanding of the role of cell cycle regulation in leaf development and highlight the contribution of the embryo to the development of leaves after germination in general. [Krp6]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: KRP6
PubMed Id: 30267580
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: The appearance of RAD54 foci was dependent on the ATAXIA-TELANGIECTASIA MUTATED-SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA RESPONSE 1 pathway, and RAD54 foci were co-localized with gammaH2AX signals. Laser irradiation of a subnuclear area demonstrated that in living cells RAD54 was specifically accumulated at the damaged site. In addition, the formation of RAD54 foci showed specificity for cell type and region. We conclude that RAD54 foci co...
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: RAD54
PubMed Id: 28155243
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: MADS-box protein AGL80 was verified as a transcriptional repressor that directly suppresses the expression of accessory cell-specific genes to specify the central cell in Arabidopsis. AGL80 acts as a transcription repressor through the EAR motif to repress the expression of MYB98. Further genetic rescue and phylogenetic assay of the AGL80 orthologs revealed a possible conserved mechanism in the Brassicaceae family.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AGL80
PubMed Id: 32132210
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Mitochondrial perturbations related to a defect in complex I in the Arabidopsis thaliana frostbite1 (fro1) mutant, carrying a point mutation in the 8-kD Fe-S subunit of NDUFS4 protein, alter aspects of fundamental carbon metabolism, which is manifested as stunted growth. The responses of fro1 plants to NH treatment were consistent with the inhibition of a form of programmed cell death.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: FRO1
PubMed Id: 30060552
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: UPEX1 and IRX9L function in exine patterning in developing microspores by modulating the synthesis or modification of components of the primexine wall layer. Data support a model in which xylan and AGP cell wall components synthesized in tapetum are incorporated into the primexine wall and play roles in primexine development and anchoring of sporopollenin to the microspore surface early in microspore development. [IRX9L]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: IRX9-L
PubMed Id: 27495941
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: UPEX1 and IRX9L function in exine patterning in developing microspores by modulating the synthesis or modification of components of the primexine wall layer. Data support a model in which xylan and AGP cell wall components synthesized in tapetum are incorporated into the primexine wall and play roles in primexine development and anchoring of sporopollenin to the microspore surface early in microspore development. [UPEX1]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: AT1G33430
PubMed Id: 27495941
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: Increased embryo and seed size in krp4/6/7 mutants results from seed abortion, presumably reducing resource competition, and that seed size differences contribute to the phenotype of several large-leaf mutants. Results provide a new understanding of the role of cell cycle regulation in leaf development and highlight the contribution of the embryo to the development of leaves after germination in general. [Krp7]
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: ICK5
PubMed Id: 30267580
GeneRIF (Gene Reference into Function)
Annotation: PIN1 phosphorylation at S1-S4 was detected in situ using phosphosite-specific antibodies. Pin 1 phosphorylation at phosphosites at the basal as well as the apical plasma membrane in different root cell types, in embryos, and shoot apical meristems followed the predominant PIN1 distribution but was not restricted to specific polar sides of cells. Different protein kinases or trafficking mechanisms are involved.
Organism: A. thaliana
Gene: PIN1
PubMed Id: 28096328