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Protein Domain : IPR046873

Description  Apoptosis signal-regulating kinases (ASK1/2/3 or MAP3K5/6/15) are mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinases (MAP3Ks) that mediate cellular responses to redox stress and inflammatory cytokines and play a key role in innate immunity and viral infection. This kind of signalling kinases are regulated by oligomerization and regulatory domains. In its N-terminal there is a thioredoxin-binding domain that negatively regulates activity and a TNF receptor-associated factors (TRAFs)-binding domain which triggers ASK activation and kinase activity. TRAFs-binding domain is composed by 14 helices, which form seven tetratricopeptide repeats (TPRs), followed by a PH-like domain to complete de central regulatory domain of ASK. The central regulatory region promotes ASK1 activity via its PH domain but also facilitates ASK1 autoinhibition by bringing the thioredoxin-binding and kinase domains into close proximity. The PH-like domain, adjacent to the kinase domain, is required together with an intact TPR region for ASK1 activity.The major role of the central regulatory region is to bring the thioredoxin-binding domain into close proximity to the kinase domain to inhibit its activity [ ].This domain represents a predicted non-heme-binding version of the globin domain identified in ASK1/2/3. It displays strongest affinities to the HisK-N family of sensor domains, which inhibit histidine kinase activation required for sporulation in bacteria of the firmicutes lineage. This globin domain is predicted to represent an independent sensory element recognizing a fatty acid or a related membrane-derived molecule which regulates activity of the ASK signalosome in apoptosis [ ]. Name  MAP3K, HisK-N-like globin domain
Short Name  HisK-N-like Type  Domain
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