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Protein Domain : IPR043454

Description  The NRL (for NPH3/RPT2-Like) family is formed by signaling molecules specific to higher plants. Several regions of sequence and predicted structuralconservation define members of the NRL family, with three domains being most notable: an N-terminal BTB domain, a centrally located NPH3domain, and a C-terminal coiled coil domain. The function of the NPH3 domain is not yet known [, , , , , , , ].Root phototropism protein 3 (RPT3), also known as nonphototropic hypocotyl 3 (NPH3), and root phototropism 2 (RPT2) represent the founding members of a novel plant-specific family [ ]. Three domains define the members of this family: an N-terminal BTB (broad complex, tramtrack, bric a brac) domain (), a centrally located NPH3 domain ( ), and a C-terminal coiled-coil domain. NPH3 assembles with CUL3 to form a E3 complex that ubiquitinates phototropin 1 (phot1) and modulates phototropic responsiveness [ , ]. NPH3 is necessary for root and hypocotyl phototropisms, but not for the regulation of stomata opening or chloroplast relocation []. Coleoptile phototropism protein 1 (CPT1) is a rice orthologue of Arabidopsis NPH3 also required for phototropism []. This entry also includes DOT3 (AT5G10250) that is involved in shoot and primary root growth; DOT3 mutants produce an aberrant parallel venation pattern in juvenile leaves []. Name  NPH3/RPT2-like family
Short Name  NPH3/RPT2-like Type  Family
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156 Protein Domain Regions