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Protein Domain : IPR003825

Description  Colicin V is a small extracellular protein toxin which kills sensitive cells by disrupting their membrane potential [ ]. Colicin V is produced from large low-copy plasmids and requires four plasmid genes for synthesis export and immunity [3034857). The cvaC gene is the structural gene for colicin V and cvaA and cvaB are required for processing and export of the toxin through the inner and outer membranes cvi confers immunity to the host cell. There are several stages at which host factors could play a role in colicin V production and mutations that alter any of these functions should result in lowered levels of extracellular colicin V ].Colicin V production protein is required in Escherichia coli for colicin V production from plasmid pColV-K30 [ ]. This entry represent the CvpA protein, which is involved in colicin V production. It is coded for by the cvpA gene, which is found upstream of the purF gene in the purF operon []. Name  Colicin V production, CvpA
Short Name  Colicin-V_CvpA Type  Family
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