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Protein Domain : IPR018312

Description  The bacterial dnaA protein [ , , ] plays an important role in initiating and regulating chromosomal replication. DnaA is an ATP- and DNA-binding protein. It binds specifically to 9 bp nucleotide repeats known as dnaA boxes which are found in the chromosome origin of replication (oriC).DnaA is a protein of about 50kDa that contains two conserved regions: the first is located in the N-terminal half and corresponds to the ATP-binding domain, the second is located in the C-terminal half and could be involved in DNA-binding. The protein may also bind the RNA polymerase beta subunit, the dnaB and dnaZ proteins, and the groE gene products (chaperonins) [ ].The signature pattern in this entry is located in the most conserved part of the putative DNA-binding domain. Name  Chromosomal replication control, initiator DnaA, conserved site
Short Name  Chromosome_initiator_DnaA_CS Type  Conserved_site
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