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Protein Domain : IPR029790

Description  This entry represents a group of fugal proteins that contain a HTH APSES-type DNA-binding domain. Proteins in this entry include:EFG1 (enhanced filamentous growth protein 1) from Candida albicans. EFG1 is a transcriptional regulator of the switch between 2 heritable states, the white and opaque states [ ].Transcriptional activator Phd1 and its paralog, Sok2, from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Phd1 is a transcriptional activator that enhances pseudohyphal growth [ ]. Sok2 plays a general regulatory role in the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase-stimulated (PKA) signal transduction pathway by regulating the expression of genes important in growth and development [].Cell pattern formation-associated protein StuA from Emericella nidulans. StuA is required for the orderly differentiation and spatial organisation of cell types of the conidiophore [ ]. Name  EFG1/Phd1/StuA family
Short Name  EFG1/Phd1/StuA Type  Family
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