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Protein Domain : IPR019834

Description  O-Glycosyl hydrolases ( ) are a widespread group of enzymes that hydrolyse the glycosidic bond between two or more carbohydrates, or between a carbohydrate and a non-carbohydrate moiety. A classification system for glycosyl hydrolases, based on sequence similarity, has led to the definition of 85 different families [ , ]. This classification is available on the CAZy (CArbohydrate-Active EnZymes) website.Glycoside hydrolase family 8 comprises enzymes with several known activities; endoglucanase ( ); lichenase ( ); chitosanase ( ). These enzymes were formerly known as cellulase family D [ ].The most conserved region in these enzymes is a stretch of about 20 residues that contains two conserved aspartates. The first asparatate is thought [ ] to act as the nucleophile in the catalytic mechanism. This region as a signature pattern in this entry. Name  Glycoside hydrolase, family 8, conserved site
Short Name  Glyco_hydro_8_CS Type  Conserved_site
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