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Protein Domain : IPR019802

Description  O-Glycosyl hydrolases ( ) are a widespread group of enzymes that hydrolyse the glycosidic bond between two or more carbohydrates, or between a carbohydrate and a non-carbohydrate moiety. A classification system for glycosyl hydrolases, based on sequence similarity, has led to the definition of 85 different families [ , ]. This classification is available on the CAZy (CArbohydrate-Active EnZymes) website.Glycoside hydrolase family 4 comprises enzymes with several known activities; 6-phospho-beta-glucosidase ( ); 6-phospho-alpha-glucosidase ( ); alpha-galactosidase ( ). These enzymes require NAD and a divalent ion for their activity and are proteins of about 50kDa; e.g. 6-phospho-alpha-glucosidase requires both NAD(H) and divalent metal (Mn2+, Fe2+, Co2+, or Ni2+) for activity [ ]. The signature pattern is located to a conserved region located in the central section. This region does not contain residues directly shown to be important for the catalytic activity. Name  Glycoside hydrolase, family 4, conserved site
Short Name  GlycHydrolase_4_CS Type  Conserved_site
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