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Protein Domain : IPR019806

Description  This entry represents a group of heat-stable enterotoxins, such as STa from Escherichia coli, which are an important cause of acute diarrhoea in infants and travellers in developing countries. The mature STa protein is a 19-residue peptide containing three disulphide bridges that are functionally important. STa contains an N-terminal signal peptide composed of two domains, Pre and Pro, involved in extracellular toxin release, and a core enterotoxigenic domain [ ]. STa binds to and activates the guanylate cyclase C intestinal receptor, causing an increase in the intracellular levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) [, , ].The signature pattern used in this entry contains the 6 cysteines that are involved in disulphide bridges and the three conserved residues of the mature enterotoxin. Name  Heat-stable enterotoxin, conserved site
Short Name  Heat-stable_enterotox_CS Type  Conserved_site
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