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Protein Domain : IPR019518

Description  CtIP is predominantly a nuclear protein that complexes with both BRCA1 and the BRCA1-associated RING domain protein (BARD1). At the protein level, CtIP expression varies with cell cycle progression in a pattern identical to that of BRCA1. Thus, the steady-state levels of CtIP polypeptides, which remain low in resting cells and G1 cycling cells, increase dramatically as Dividing cells traverse the G1/S boundary. CtIP can potentially modulate the functions ascribed to BRCA1 in transcriptional regulation, DNA repair, and/or cell cycle checkpoint control [ ]. This N-terminal domain carries a coiled-coil region and is essential for homodimerisation of the protein []. The C-terminal domain is family CtIP_C and carries functionally important CxxC and RHR motifs, absence of which lead cells to grow slowly and show hypersensitivity to genotoxins []. Name  DNA endonuclease Ctp1, N-terminal
Short Name  CtIP_N Type  Domain
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