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Protein Domain : IPR003877

Description  The SPRY domain is named from SPla and the RYanodine Receptor and it is found in many eukaryotic proteins with a wide range of functions. It is a protein interaction module involved in many important signalling pathways like RNA processing, regulation of histone H3 methylation, innate immunity or embryonic development [ , , ]. It can be divided into 11 subfamilies based on amino acid sequence similarity or the presence of additional protein domains. The greater SPRY family is divided into the SPRY/B30.2 (which contains a PRY extension at the N-terminal) and SPRY-only sub-families which are preceded by a subdomain that is structurally similar to the PRY region []. SPRY/B30.2 structures revealed a bent β-sandwich fold comprised of two β-sheets. The PRY domain consists of three β-strands tightly packed against ten other β-strands which form the SPRY component of the B30.2 domain. The β-strands are linked by loops and form two anti-parallel β-sheets []. Distant homologues are domains in butyrophilin/marenostrin/pyrin []. Name  SPRY domain
Short Name  SPRY_dom Type  Domain
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46 Protein Domain Regions