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Protein Domain : IPR002836

Description  This protein family is found in archaea and eukaryota. Proteins in this family contain a predicted DNA-binding domain [ ] and may function as DNA-binding proteins. Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum MTH1615 was predicted to bind DNA based on structural proteomics data, and this was confirmed by the demonstration that it can interact non-specifically with a randomly chosen 20-mer of double stranded DNA []. This suggests that the human protein may be involved in nucleic acid binding or metabolism.The human programmed cell death protein 5 (PDCD5, also known as TFAR19) encodes a protein which shares significant homology to the corresponding proteins of species ranging from yeast to mice. PDCD5 exhibits a ubiquitous expression pattern and its expression is up-regulated in the tumour cells undergoing apoptosis. PDCD5 may play a general role in the apoptotic process [, ]. Name  PDCD5-like
Short Name  PDCD5-like Type  Family
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11 Protein Domain Regions