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Protein Domain : IPR000160

Description  The GGDEF domain, which has been named after the conserved central sequence pattern GG[DE][DE]F is widespread in prokaryotes. It is typically present in multidomain proteins containing regulatory domains of signalling pathways or protein-protein or protein-ligand interaction modules, such as the response regulatory domain, the PAS/PAC domain, the HAMP domain, the GAF domain, the FHA domain or the TPR repeat. However a few single-domain proteins are also known. The GGDEF domain is involved in signal transduction and is likely to catalyse synthesis or hydrolysis of cyclic diguanylate (c-diGMP, bis(3',5')-cyclic diguanylic acid), an effector molecule that consists of two cGMP moieties bound head-to-tail [ , , ].Structural studies of PleD from Caulobacter crescentus show that this domain forms a five-stranded β-sheet surrounded by helices, similar to the catalytic core of adenylate cyclase [ ]. Name  GGDEF domain
Short Name  GGDEF_dom Type  Domain
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