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Protein Domain : IPR004177

Description  The Nir/rdgB (N-terminal domain-interacting receptor/Drosophila retinal degeneration B proteins) family has been identified in a variety of eukaryotic organisms, ranging from worms to mammals. Members of this family are implicated in regulation of lipid trafficking, metabolism, and signaling. The Nir/rdgB proteins contain a 180 amino-acids-long conserved region in the central part of the protein. This domain contains four conserved residues, DDHD, which may form a metal-binding site. This domain is named DDHD after these four residues. This pattern of conservation of metal-binding residues is often seen in phosphoesterase domains [ ].The DDHD domain is found in the central part of Nir/rdgB proteins, as well as the C-terminal part of the phosphatidic acid-preferring phospholipase A1. The DDHD domain function is not currently known but it may be implicated in phospholipid metabolism, membrane turnover, or intracellular trafficking []. Name  DDHD domain
Short Name  DDHD_dom Type  Domain
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16 Protein Domain Regions