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Protein Domain : IPR011174

Description  This entry represents ERM family of proteins.The ERM family consists of three closely-related proteins, ezrin, radixin and moesin [ ]. Ezrin was first identified as a constituent of microvilli [], radixin as a barbed, end-capping actin-modulating protein from isolated junctional fractions [], and moesin as a heparin binding protein [], which is particularly important in immunity acting on both T and B-cells homeostasis and self-tolerance [, ]. Members of this family have been associated with axon-associated Schwann cell (SC) motility and the maintenance of the polarity of these cells []. A tumour suppressor molecule responsible for neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is highly similar to ERM proteins and has been designated merlin (moesin-ezrin-radixin-like protein) []. ERM molecules contain 3 domains, an N-terminal globular domain, an extended α-helical domain and a charged C-terminal domain []. Ezrin, radixin and merlin also contain a polyproline region between the helical and C-terminal domains. The N-terminal domain is highly conserved, and is also found in merlin, band 4.1 proteins and members of the band 4.1 superfamily, designated the FERM domain []. ERM proteins crosslink actin filaments with plasma membranes. They co-localise with CD44 at actin filament plasma membrane interaction sites, associating with CD44 via their N-terminal domains and with actin filaments via their C-terminal domains []. The α-helical region is involved in intramolecular masking of protein-protein interaction sites which regulates the activity of this proteins []. Name  Ezrin/radixin/moesin
Short Name  ERM Type  Family
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