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Protein Domain : IPR047153

Description  This entry represents a group of animal proteins defined by the TRIM/RBCC motif, including TRIM45/56/19 [ , , ]. These protein have been shown to act as SUMO E3 ligases and play important roles in a variety of cellular functions including cell proliferation, differentiation, development, oncogenesis, and apoptosis. TRIM45 may act as a transcriptional repressor in mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathway []; TRIM56 plays a key role in innate antiviral immunity by mediating ubiquitination of CGAS and STING1 [, ]. TRIM19, also known as PML, acts its association with PML-nuclear bodies (PML-NBs) in a wide range of important cellular processes, such as tumor suppression, transcriptional regulation, apoptosis, senescence, DNA damage response, and viral defense mechanisms. It acts as the scaffold of PML-NBs allowing other proteins to shuttle in and out, a process which is regulated by SUMO-mediated modifications and interactions. PML exhibits antiviral activity as it stimulates the SUMOylation of a viral protein which is supposed to serve as a cellular mechanism to compromise specific functions of the viral effector IE1p72 []. Name  TRIM45/56/19
Short Name  TRIM45/56/19 Type  Family
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